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Research On The Revelation Of Wilderness

Posted on:2019-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566999071Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Wilderness with artifacts" as a visual motif,as if the shadow in the mainstream painting under an undercurrent,in the various schools in the presentation,although not concentrated,but always looming in the continuation."Wilderness" in the field of literature,environmental science,philosophy and aesthetics have many levels of profound connotation,there is a certain relationship between each other.In the art of painting,especially in the field of landscape painting is a noteworthy concept and phenomenon,although rarely as the core of artistic purport,but often borrowed as a motif,and used to carry metaphor and intentions of the performance techniques.The wilderness in the dictionary is interpreted as "desolate wild","shortage" is not reclaimed and cultivated land,"wild" for the outskirts of the city outside,its interpretation is far away from the smoke,the original pretty assertive meaning.Means the natural environment on earth without significant transformation of human activities,such as virgin forest,tundra,glaciers,deserts,oceans and so on.Thus the wilderness can be interpreted as the opposite of the concept of "civilization".Artifacts,as the name suggests,that is invented by the human,to create things.It is clear from the definition of its non-natural formation of the property.This article attempts to discuss the physical art that can be presented through visual art,with physical objects,that is,figurative artifacts such as architecture,city,and various manufactured products.The wilderness and the artifacts can be explored as a whole concept,and each of them has profound connotations and,as time goes by,especially in the context of contemporary art diversity,fragmentation,and trends Direction constantly enrich.Historically,the aesthetic interest in the wilderness has long existed.From the early 16 th century,Albrecht Altdorfer has consciously avoided the traditional narrative and character and the sacred or secular theme of the map,instead of simply depicting a field of wild mountains,the aesthetic value of the wilderness itself is accompanied by scenic beauty The beginning of the value of the beginning of the germination.In the 17 th century,the typical "man-made wilderness" icon appeared in Claude Lorraine's landscape painting.Since the late 18 th century,under the influence of romanticism,art and classical traditions have broken,and the hope of expressing the subjective demands of artists in the works has become increasingly strong.In addition to the artist's nostalgia,the iconic approach to the Greek and Roman architectural relics in the background of the wilderness also indicates that they have changed from the sight of the picture to the spiritual picture.The wilderness with rich cultural connotations can be described as the ideal carrier of various associations and metaphors that artists give in the works and the artifacts in which they are exposed can also produce magical chemical reactions with the equally allegorical wilderness.Since the beginning of the twentieth century,surrealism in the Dada movement of the surrealist painting by the modern after the gradual rise of some areas and disciplines,especially the impact of physics and psychology,this icon is more and more as a similar In the imagination of the minds of the space and stage presented in the visual arts,and later in the work of Kiefer also presents a new interpretation method.Today's wilderness is far more than an objective description of the natural geographical environment,but a rich cultural connotation and traditional roots of the cultural concept,so that its significance in the original natural geographical level has also been expanded and deepened,and even Breaking the barriers of time and space.As the wilderness has a cultural interpretation from the meaning of the property,so the aesthetic characteristics and aesthetic values can occur.
Keywords/Search Tags:wilderness, artifact, iconography
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