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A Contrastive Study On The Tense&Aspect Combination And Grammatical Meaning Of "Jiuyao…le" And "Kuaiyao…le"

Posted on:2019-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M F ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566994007Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the theory of semantic grammar,this thesis is a study in modern Chinese "Jiuyao…le" and "Kuaiyao…le".By researching the corpus of Center for Chinese Linguistics PUK and BLCU Corpus Center,and summarizing the research achievements of previous researchers,the thesis not only tries to research aspect,tense and grammatical meaning of "Jiuyao … le" and "Kuaiyao … le",but also contrasts their similarities and differences between the syntax and semantic.First of all,according to a study of corpus,the thesis tries to research aspect,tense and predicative constituents of "Jiuyao…le" and "Kuaiyao…le" with an order.For tense,"Jiuyao…le" would rather explicit time than fuzzy time in all tenses.For aspect,"Jiuyao…le" mostly appears with ingressive aspect,resultative aspect,rather than progressive aspect,durative aspect and accomplished aspect.What's more,all ingressive,resultative verb or phrase which have boundedness can be "Jiuyao…le" 's predicate.While,for tense,"Kuaiyao…le" selects fuzzy past and present tense to be reference time,not the future tense and explicit past tense.For aspect,"Kuaiyao…le"mostly appears with ingressive aspect,resultative aspect,not progressive aspect,durative aspect and accomplished aspect.Furthermore,all ingressive,resultative verb or phrase which have boundedness can be "Kuaiyao…le" 's predicate.Secondly,the thesis contrasts their similarities and differences in the syntactic structure by verifying.The main difference between "Jiuyao…le" and "Kuaiyao…le"are the syntactic constituent.However,whether the syntactic construction is the same or not,they both have different semantic.At last,the thesis contrasts their semantic difference,and draws a conclusion.Both "Jiuyao…le" and "Kuaiyao…le" can appear with bounded syntactic constituent that indicate something be about to do or the ending is coming in a short time."Jiuyao…le" which has explicit time,indicates relative short time with reference time,and has longer time scope.Based on time,"Jiuyao…le" with meaning of imminence,inference and conjecture,narratives in a perceptive subjective way.While,without reference time,"Kuaiyao…le" indicates a short time psychologically,and has shorter time scope.With the meaning of approaching in short time and urgency in high degree,"Kuaiyao …le" which emphasizes the development of the event in terms of extent,narratives in a deductive subjective way.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Jiuyao…le", "Kuaiyao…le", Characteristics of Tense and Aspect, Predicative constituents, Grammatical Meaning
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