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Research On The Literary Creation Of Literature Attendants In Southern Dynasty

Posted on:2019-04-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y BiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566976066Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of literature is influenced by politics,and the literature of Southern Dynasty is a typical example of this.Unlike the Jin Dynasties,the imperial power in the Southern Dynasty was strengthened,and the political power of the literati was weakened.However,due to their own interests,the two sides had also utilized each other and depended on each other while fighting each other.One of the manifestations of this political change in the Southern Dynasty that affected literature was the rise of literature attendants and became an important subject of literary creation.The literary interaction between the imperial family and the literati in the Southern Dynasty was gradually strengthened by this change,and the creative pursuit of a large number of literati was also changed.In addition,the Southern Dynasty experienced rapid regime changes,which also had a certain impact on their creative activities.Therefore,this paper discusses the close and unique relationship between the literature and politics of the Southern Dynasty through the investigation of the literature activities and works of the Southern Dynasty literature attendants.This paper analyzes and discusses the literary creation of Southern Dynasty literature attendants in four chapters.Chapter 1 is the summarization of the literature attendants in the Southern Dynasty.First of all,the types of literature attendants in Southern Dynasty are investigated from the emperor's literature attendants,Eastern Palace and various kings' literature attendants.And the characteristics of this group are further discussed,such as reflecting the integration and conflict of the internal culture of the Southern Dynasty,the weak awareness of identity of literature attendants,and its role of maintaining the status of legitimacy.Chapter 2 is the analysis of literature attendants' literary creation in Southern Dynasty.Firstly,it analyzes the political changes caused by the regime changes deepened the relationship between literature attendants and the royal family,and then changed the main ways of literature attendants' literary activities.This change affected the group creation of literature attendants.The view of the Southern Dynasty literature on the issue of lag in literary creation changed,and it became even more eager to pursue literary agility.The stable group creation also makes the generation and development of the school style,which is represented by "court poetry." Owing to the strengthening of this political dependency,political poems have become the main content of the literary creations.The creation of these works also reflected their group identity.The personal consciousness did not disappear in the fiery group creation of literature attendants.Because of the change of the political encounter and the discussion of the dead and life issue,their personal feelings were also expressed.Chapter 3 combs the situations of literature attendants' participation in the compilation of history books.The control of the historiography in Southern Dynasty has been strengthened,and the participation of literature attendants in the compilation of history books has further promoted this trend.Shen Yue's compilation of “Song Annals” is a representative of the participation of literature attendants in the compilation of history books.It embodies the compliance with the ruler's consciousness and needs,and promotes the legitimacy concept and the awareness of loyalty and filial piety.It also reflects the identity awareness of Shen Yue as a literati.Chapter 4 combs the influence of the turmoil at the end of the Liang Dynasty on the development of literature attendants.As a special event in the political life of the Southern Dynasty,the turmoil at the end of Liang Dynasty caused great damage to the literature attendants group.The turmoil has caused the destruction of literature attendants,and the literature attendants also suffered from the life threat and exile.The special social bad environment has also led to the collective outbreak of personal consciousness in literature attendants.The development of the literature attendants group in Southern Dynasty enabled all social stratums to participate in literary creation activities.The state's dominance of culture and literary development gradually increased,and the development of the Southern Dynasty literature also manifested a new look.
Keywords/Search Tags:Southern Dynasty, literature attendants, literary creation, annals, personal consciousness
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