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Study On The Aesthetic Entertainment Of Contemporary Chinese People

Posted on:2019-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
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Contemporary China is a country with great economic development and great cultural development.In the early 30 years of the founding of the People's Republic,the political level was highly unified and the public's aesthetic was highly homogenized.After the reform and opening up,the rise of the economy made the Chinese public a group with more demands for cultural consumption,which resulted in a crucial moment for aesthetic change of the Chinese public.What is prominent in contemporary aesthetic activities is the issue of entertainment trends.In the context of globalization,the "visual turn" ripened the development of the film and television industry.A series of popular aesthetic events,post-modern consumption and reading culture had a huge impact on traditional aesthetic concepts and thinking.People's aesthetic objects,contents and attitudes have undergone tremendous changes that cannot be ignored.And the series of aesthetic problems caused by this constitute a new perspective of contemporary aesthetic research or aesthetic research.The current popular aesthetic entertainment phenomenon is such a problem that needs urgent attention.This paper is divided into four main parts:In the first part,the author analyze the important position of entertainment in the contemporary public aesthetics from the meaning of the concept of aesthetic entertainment.Entertainment,the spiritual pleasure in the narrow sense and the enjoyment of pleasure through aesthetic activities in the broad sense constitute the entertainment vision of the contemporary Chinese public.Entertainment is a reasonable requirement for human spiritual and cultural life.When material life is abundant,people will turn their gaze to the satisfaction of spiritual life,and entertainment will also exist in the lives of contemporary people in a verydiverse way.As the main form of human spirit enjoyment,aesthetics is also presenting a new trend in the contemporary context of contemporary China: the aesthetics of the Chinese public are accompanied by the rapid development of China's economy and the increasingly perfect media technology,which shows the outstanding characteristics of entertainment.The second part,through a large number of examples of mass aesthetic analysis,the author expound the contemporary Chinese popular aesthetic entertainment from two aspects.The entertainment of contemporary Chinese mass aesthetics develops dynamically showing two clear states: One shows the alienation of the public aesthetics;People lost their aesthetic pursuit in carnival,and rushed to shallow physiological stimuli.For aesthetics,daily life is indiscriminately applied as aesthetic object;in the trivial aesthetic of fragmentation,we lose the ability of aesthetic reflection that we should have,and finally trigger the crisis of aesthetic misconduct.The other state,accompanied by the popularization of the film and television media and the Internet media,people gaining entertainment pleasure in the aesthetics while also gaining the knowledge literacy in the entertainment,opening the philosophical thinking on the social,family emotions and the value of their own lives.The realization of these higher levels of aesthetic value has enabled the healthy development of contemporary Chinese people's aesthetics.The third part is the analysis of the causes of the contemporary Chinese mass aesthetic entertainment issues.The entertaining aesthetic demand not only has the physiological and psychological aspirations of the public,but is also influenced by external factors.With the advent of economic development and a consumer society,the object of popular aesthetics is no longer confined to simple artworks but to cultural products with distinctive attributes of commodities.These aesthetic products with film and television works as the main form exist in order to achieve the interests of the capital itself.They are manufactured in a strong and entertaining way and appear in the field of mass aesthetics.With the strong entertainment brought about by the imagery aesthetic object,the Chinese people's aesthetic psychology has also undergone key changes,from passively accepting entertaining aesthetic objects to subjective expectations of entertaining aesthetics.Through the analysis of the motives of the contemporary aesthetic entertainment state,we will be able to better clarify the possible adverse effects in such an aesthetic state in order to find an effective coping strategy earlier.The fourth part,the author put forward comprehensive suggestions on the current situation of mass aesthetic entertainment anomie.Entertainment is not great scourges.The fulfillment of legitimate public entertainment appeals in the consumer society can maintain the spiritual and cultural stability of a society while satisfying the general public's spirit of relaxation.However,excessive aesthetic entertainment will make the public's appreciation of aesthetics decline,the ability to judge subjective value lost,and it may eventually lead to the loss of the individual rational spirit among the real sensations.Therefore,we must find a reasonable response before such a situation is not yet exhausted: solving this problem requires joint efforts of many parties.The state's discourse on rights should supervise and regulate the value orientation of aesthetic products.The producers of aesthetic products should also maintain the quality of aesthetic products on the basis of reasonable gains.The most crucial point is that the Chinese public,as an aesthetic subject,should start from their own,improve their own aesthetic values,use a pair of intelligent eyes,and use a good thinking brain to discover the true essence of the beauty and make itself more transparent to the realm of life..From 1949 to 2018,the period of nearly 70 years has witnessed the dramatic changes in China's socio-economic and political changes.The public's life has also undergone profound changes with the changes in the country.The contemporary Chinese masses should enjoy the beautiful changes brought about by the achievements of economic and social development,and at the same time,they should not forget their original intentions and let their own spiritual world produce the same beautiful flowers as the external material world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aesthetic entertaining, Contemporary, Popular, Coping strategies
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