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The Paradox Of Capital Freedom

Posted on:2019-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T YeFull Text:PDF
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The appearance of the capitalist society has brought the unprecedented productivity,thus making people get rid of the previous feudal dependence relationship and gaining certain free space like property freedom,contract freedom and personal freedom.However,with the further expansion of capital reproduction,the essence of “freedom” hidden behind it has also been disclosed;the existence of people has been impacted to a great degree.Through analyzing the capitalism development laws,Marx discloses the contradictions of the capital operation mechanism,criticizes the capital freedom and shows the existence state of people in the capital environment through studying Marx's criticism of the capital freedom in Volume 1 of Capital,it helps us better master the ethical thought of Marxism.This paper will discuss about Marx's criticism of capital freedom,discuss about the existence of people,social relationship,social development space and the ethical consequence under the capital operation mechanism,and arouse our thinking about people's survival fortune brought by the rapid development of the current social economy.Starting from the concept of capital and freedom from the perspective of Marx,it further discusses about the paradox of capital freedom step by step.This paper illustrates the capital and freedom described by Marx,narrates the concept of capital from the perspective of social relationship and materialization form and the concept of freedom from the perspective of creation nature of individuals and self-perfection.It also further narrates the social conditions of freedom and briefly introduces the alienation embodiment of freedom nature under the capital logic.It provides the concept foundation for the following text to discuss about the capital freedom and meanwhile narrates the theoretical foundation of freedom paradox from three perspectives.First of all,it discusses about the one-sided existence of capital and people from the perspective of people's being.In order gain constant proliferation,capital introduces division of labor and machine.The adoption of labor of division greatly improves efficiency,but also breaks the existence of people and makes the people lose the integrity.When division of labor cannot satisfy the capitalists' aspiration of pursuing profit,machine begins to enter the production process in great quantity.The use of machine brought possibility for the freedom of people at the very beginning;however,it functionalized the existence of people and made people finally work by depending on machine.Second,it discusses about the anaclisis existence of capital and workers from the perspective of social relations.It starts from the circulation process and production process,discloses that the free phantom in labor contract,discipline of the production process and the production materials bring the vicious competition among workers.Then it displays the essence of enslavement behind the formal freedom.Finally,it discusses about the destruction of capital and social development space from the perspective of social reproduction.It progresses from the perspective of deprivation of individuals' development space,destruction of social cells and the twists of social reproduction process and describes that the society further develops out of the improved productivity but makes the development of people die without any illness.Capitalists also introduce in the social guarantee system to confuse workers and collapse workers' struggle ambition.Based on the analysis from three perspectives,it digs out the ethic consequence brought by the capital operation mechanism.It discloses the unlimitedness of capital proliferation which brings the limitless repetition and recycle of unequal society and unfortunate survival state.The survival state of the proletariat under the capitalism production mode cannot be improved and keeps being trapped into the reproduction of the unjust society.The current society is the age where the economy develops rapidly and the productivity reaches the unprecedented degree.This paper discusses about the paradox of capital freedom that emphasizes the existence of people while encouraging people to pursue the economic benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Capital, Freedom, Paradox, Social Relationship, the Ethic Consequence
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