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The Plight Of The Free Individuality - Stylish, Modern Paradox,

Posted on:2011-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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Fashion and modern society as a concomitant phenomenon, is the modern interpretation of a key. Large-scale production of modern society, socially necessary labor time on the natural life force, people are exposure to large mechanical organization, a tiny mechanical device, in this great world pressure, the human subjectivity gradually collapse, individuality is gradually blurred, and even disappear, the survival credentials lost depth, below the plane of the style of modern life has become a core dimension. The people urgently need to alienation, loneliness of self confidence and imitation is the fastest, most convenient of the most effective way to compensate play the role of individual well-being repressed, the individual into a group life assurance so that the individual will not feel lonely in their own behavior to be among the well-being and satisfaction.Thus a new social identity, and this is the fashion. Fashion expressed, it is the survival of the modern human pattern of sexual context. In some cases, fashion is always competition as a means of social identity can be developed. Different sectors of the interesting direction to pursue certain style formed by grade, to a certain extent, to distinguish it from others of different sectors in order to confirm themselves as a way Further, it is in pursuit of fashion, different classes to find their own place. This stylish pattern fundamentally, it is the inevitable result of modern development.Fashion is intended to shape the character of modern man, modern self-identity as an important way. Freedom of human personality as the subject is also a product of modernity. As in the generation process of modernity itself contains contradictions, namely:the one hand, modern society has experienced unprecedented freedom of individual subjects, on the other hand with its social division of labor and more detailed system will be restricted and individual flood in it. Free personality conflicts in the modern situation that is a paradox of modernity, which has become fashionable and popular personality for a modernity of the same background. Free personality in the fashion of the paradox is:the pursuit of fashion tend to strongly shift the individual personality, while submerged in the mass fashion trends from the latest different (individual) is also the most popular (mass).The constant pursuit of "the future", but deny "now", modernity never ending changes in self-renewal properties, making fashion as a model of modernity, with the perishable, novelty and other characters. Fashion and Modernity is difficult to distinguish, meaning people in the calibration of the "modern" character.Beginning of the 20th century, as mass media (such as fashion magazines and television programs, etc.) generally rise, coupled with the advent of consumer society, fashion, modernity, mass media and consumption in contemporary conspiracy performance for such a cycle:the dream is full of modern fashion style, fashion and wrapped in the cloak of modernity, not so much the dream we were pulling the modern, rather, we were demons and temptation of fashion, according to the logic of it out of their own reproduction; fashion using mass media to maintain to achieve a modern society "perfect crime"; the same time, stylish and in consumer self-association. With this process, freedom of individuality in the fashion of the paradox has deepened, for criticism and reflection of this phenomenon, the question of individual choice in fashion is particularly important and has practical significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:fashion, modernity, individual freedom, paradox
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