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Research On Ode In The Study Of The Book Of Songs In Han Dynasty

Posted on:2019-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330566476086Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
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In recent years,the study of the poem “Ode” in the Book of songs in Academia are more focused on “Zhou Ode”,“Lu Ode”,“Shang Ode”case studies,we can carry on more in depth discussion in development and evolution on poem “Ode” in vision of whole Han Dynasty.The Book of Songs as a Pre qin books,have rich significance in ancient history.Poem “Ode” is the important part of The Book of Songs which contains the most oldest poems.Han Dynasty respect the Book of Songs,and it is the first time the name of the Book of songs appeared.This is the important period of the development of the Book of songs,Also this is the first time that the interpretation system of the Book of songs was established in Chinese history.From the historical background of Han Dynasty and the background of the scholar of the Han Dynasty on the interpretation of the poem "Ode" in the Book of songs can help us really understand what a poem is "Ode".Poetics of the Han Dynasty first appear is Qi,Lu,Han,Mao poetics appears later.Whether Mao poetics or Qi,Lu,Han poetics,their commentary on the poems of "Ode" is roughly the same.It can be seen that this is a universally accepted orientation of "Ode" in Han Dynasty poetics.Therefore,we can make a unified study of the poems of "Ode" in Han Dynasty.An Interpretation of Zhou Ode's Poetic meaning and connotation already have a complete system in Han Dynasty.Zhou Ode as a royal carol,not only express praise,but also include tracing ancestors,maintain Zhou moral for future generations,maintain Zhou royal family heavenly and perpetual,and sacrifice heaven and earth.All of the above is Zhou Ode's core content.The sons and daughters of future generations not only praise it,but also sacrifice it and use it as an example of morality.Shang Ode is Shang Dynasty's descendants express praise for their ancestor,also trace and worship their ancestor.There are differences between Shang Ode and Zhou Ode in form and content.Lu Ode have four articles,all of them are praised LuXigong,because he can follow BoQing's moral system and make Lu country revival.It includes content is simpler than Zhou Ode and Shang Ode.The Thorn Tradition in the Book of Songs already formed in Han Dynasty,this has become the most common means of solving poetry in the Han Dynasty."Ode" only have praise and no sarcastic,is determined by the nature and content of itself.Praise and sarcastic is close contact with enlightenment,they can play a role in punishing evil and promoting good in moral level,and also can proof of history.All of this accomplished Its value in the environment at the time."Ode" only have praise and no sarcastic becoming steady in Han Dynasty,the commentary also tends to be fixed,then the tradition of poetry melody created by The Book of Songs is formed.The "Ode" and the political ecology of the Han Dynasty are also closely related.First of all,Dong Zhongshu's political theory were repeatedly quote "Ode".In his writings,The Book of Songs and poetics often play an auxiliary role.He quote Zhou Ode's Wu to interpretation the political theory of “be ordered to restructure”,introducing historical experience as a benchmark for judging the current situation,to demonstrate Qing Dynasty not qualified to be king,also cited Zhou Ode “Wo Jiang” to discuss the theory of calamity in "Qu Jun Shen Tian",the purpose is to imitate the belief in the fate of the Western Zhou Dynasty and reconstruct the relationship between the king and heaven,to shock the king with unlimited rights.Also cited Zhou Ode "Jing Zhi" and Shang Ode "Chang Fa" to discuss the "deification of punishment with morality",in order to reverse the punishment of the Qin system,instil the king of Han to inculcate the concept of punishment by virtue of punishment and moral punishment.“Ode” with its unique space time depth and humanistic thickness in Dong Zhongshu's Writing play a great historical significance and expression effect.Not only in the writings of Dong Zi's writings,but also in the real life of the pilgrimage,there is also participation in the “Ode”.Use poetry to discuss widely exists in the political environment of the Han Dynasty.LiuXiang used to use “Ode” against the eunuchs and foreigners,he quoted “Ode” four times,in order to prove his political approach to "Yi He Zhi He".Wei Xuancheng participated in the competition,he used Zhou Ode to prove “the same way in sovereigns and five emperors”.There still have KuangQu's talk about don't be addicted to decadent music.“Ode” as a argument appear,in order to make the article more convincing.This persuasion comes from the fact that they are "classic of the first king",it's also because they have become a fixed,indisputable adage that exists.“Ode” can become the source of a variety of article style in Han Dynasty,as “Wen Xin Diao Long” mentioned “song zan”style,is directly from “Ode”.The purpose of “song” is to praise,keeping with "Ode" in retrospect of great things.“Zan” was used on solemn occasions,this determines its solemn and beautiful nature.“Zan” always four words,space is not so long,with a few words briefly finish the content.It can be considered as a tributary to "Ode".Until prosperous “hanfu” can also be connect with "Ode",“fu” as a performance method,actully exist in “Feng Ya Song” three forms.In later times developed as article style,there are a lot of praise words,all from "Ode".“Fu” need old fashioned,similar to "Ode",in order to exhort,can not be too grace.Whether it is “fu” or "Ode",it is all need to be attributed to correct way.
Keywords/Search Tags:Book of Songs, Han Dynasty, Ode, stylistics
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