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An Empirical Study On The Lead-in Ways Of English Classroom Teaching In Senior High School

Posted on:2016-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M WeiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the 1980's,the importance of English teaching experienced a gradually changing in the process of the basic education reform of China.It is very necessary for the teachers to renew their teaching ideas,improve teaching methods to accommodate the requirement of New English Curriculum Standards.The teachers regard lead-in as the first step of the classroom teaching,which is seen as the most important step.It aims to draw students? attention,arouse their interest in learning English,trigger their motivation for English learning,produce a strong desire for knowledge and fully mobilize students? initiative and enthusiasm so that it can make a certain foundation for students to learn new teaching materials successfully.At last it also makes the learning more effective.But in the forms of English teaching concept and methodology there are still many problems.In the real classroom teaching,the scores are considered as the only standard to evaluate teachers? teaching quality.A great number of teachers pay much attention to explaining language points but ignore the part of lead-in or design it without considering the requirements of New English Curriculum Standards.Therefore,the effect of lead-in is not so satisfactory.It is contradict between how to make good use of teaching time and improve the effect of English teaching.By looking up the related information,the author found there is a little research on lead-in,so this study is practical for English teaching.However,not only using lead-in will make a good teaching effect,so teachers should choose an appropriate way on the basis of the teaching contents and consider students? needs and interest to achieve a good teaching effect.In order to know the specific and authentic situation of lead-in in Senior High School?s English Teaching Classes,find out the core of the problem and take corresponding measures,the author choose 178 students and 7 teachers,who are from Ethnic Middle School in Dongxiang County as its research subjects.Classroom observation and research questionnaires are the two main research methods which adopted by the author.The author wants to find out:(1)the lead-in ways that teachers usually adopted in English teaching classroom.(2)the problems of lead-in existed in Senior High School? English classroom.The investigation finds that lead-in ways that teachers usually used in orders from high to low are Multi-media,Using Pictures,Setting Questions,Revision,Free-talk and Background Knowledge.By doing survey carefully,the author found several problems existed in the classroom activity of lead-in part: at present teachers don?t consider the students? actual situation and don?t choose the proper means of lead-in.The using of lead-in is simple and boring.Lead-in doesn?t arouse students? interest sufficiently in learning English and stimulate their learning motivation.Thus the purpose of optimizing the effectiveness of teaching achieved not very well.After analyzing the reasons,the author put forward some suggestions on the using of lead-in in English Teaching Classroom.First,teachers should pay much attention to lead-in and design it carefully.Second,lead-in means should be flexible and various.Teacher should try to design and adopt different kinds of ways to make students feel that the classroom activity is not simply and boring but very interesting.Third,lead-in should be students-centered.When designing lead-in part,teachers should take all kinds of factors into account,such as students? learning level,psychological features,students? needs and interest.At last,in order to increase and flourish theoretical knowledge on lead-in,teachers should read more relevant books on the topic of lead-in.In the mean time,the writer hopes it brings some enlightenment to the English teachers and also supplies some experiences and ways of class teaching for other teachers to use.
Keywords/Search Tags:lead-in ways, English teaching, English for Senior High School
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