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A Practice Report On The Translation Of English Frames

Posted on:2019-09-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
English FrameNet,based on the Frame Semantics advanced by Charles J.Fillmore,is a lexical database of authentic materials built in University of California,Berkeley.Chinese Framenet(CFN),taking linguistic data of English Framenet for reference,is a Chinese lexical database applied to the computer.At present,English FrameNet translation is part of Chinese FrameNet Project and is taken as building the Chinese FrameNet.English FrameNet translation includes word translation and sentence translation.This translation practice focuses on sentence translation: the definition and the example sentences of frame name and frame elements.This report starts from the differences between English and Chinese,analyses the word order of sentences in English FrameNet and puts forward some appropriate translation strategies for scholars who study English sentences or Chinese FrameNet to refer to.This report mainly includes five chapters.The first chapter introduces the background,contents and significance of the translation task.The second chapter describes the process of this task including the preparation before translation,the process of translation and proofreading after translation.The third chapter analyses the difficulties in the translation of English sentences in EFN,mainly in passive sentences and attributive clauses.The fourth chapter is the most important part.It analyses how to deal with word order problems in translation of passive sentences and attributive clauses with specific examples.The last part is the conclusion.In this part,some experience and further problems are discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:English FramNet, Word order of sentence in translation, Translation strategy
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