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The Study Of Wang Chang's Lian Chuan Five Sect Ci

Posted on:2019-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548481157Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the Qing Dynasty,ci poetry was called renaissance,the number of poets,the numerous schools of poems and the richness of the ci poetry were the manifestation of the thrive of the Ci Poetry.In addition,the abundant amount of anthologies of Ci is also a noticeable phenomenon.As a representative of the mid Qing Dynasty western Zhejiang Ci,Wang Chang's lead the style of Ci poems,helped poets communicate with each group,no doubt he was a leader in the ci poems fields.In his old age he compiled "Ming CiZong" "Country CiZong"and a series of CI anthologies to en courrage "Zhejiang School of Ci ",and it had an great significance in recording poets and depositing words,it also contributed to the construction of Ci in Qing dynasty."Lian Chuan Five sect poets" is a works of Wang Chang,it preserved a variety of artistic style of Ci works by the "Lian Chuan five sect poets"?including the comments of Wang Mingsheng,Qian Daxin,accompanied by Zhao Wenzhe,Wu Tailai,Cao Renhu,Wu Lang and many other famous commentaries,it's unique and typical.Through the study of "Lian Chuan five poets " we can learn the mindset of choosing Ci and the analysis mentality thought of Wang Chang,and we can also caught a glimpse of the strong atmosphere in the Ci groups and aesthetic mentality of poets.This paper focuses on the family identity of Wang Chang,and it places the "Lian Chuan five sect poets" in the background of mid Qianlong Ci to study the anthology features.This paperconsists of four parts,the first chapter is mainly on the discussion of the king Chang's life,composing time and composing background,in order to achieve the purpose of determining the writing time.The second chapter starts from the perspective of selecting Ci to study the selection range,selection style,selection focus and domin comments of the "Lian Chuan five sect poets"and also in this chapter we dissuss the type of the "Lian Chuan five sect poets " and Wang Chang's composing intention and artistic standards.The third chapter,taking the words in "the five poets of Lian Chuan"as the carrier,it analyzes the subject content and the art sect.The fourth chapter focuses on the investigation of the Lian Chuan five sect poets" especially the first head of the five poets Chutong Wang's life story,family background and works,just as the Chinese saying goes" To know his backgrounds and to dissuss his works ",in order to the further indepth analysis of "Lian Chuan five sect poets".
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Chang, Lian Chuan five sect poets, ChuTong Wang, Study of Ci anthology
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