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On Harold Bloom's Literary View Of Romanticism

Posted on:2019-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548479125Subject:Chinese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Harold Bloom is one of the most influential literary critics in contemporary America.His literary view is complex and unique,and romanticism occupies an important position in his literary view.Standing in the traditional aesthetic position,he believes that the essence of literature is the imagination of the subject.He sticks to the romanticism tradition in the modern complex academic circles,and reconstructs a romantic literature in the literary research environment of "everything is deconstructed".Although his late theory deviated from the romantic perspective,he studied deconstructive poetics in 1970s,studied religion in 1980s,and studied western classics in 1990s,constantly drifting and constantly refreshing his own theory in many critical perspectives,but we often see Romanticism from his late theoretical works.Romanticism is the invariable factors implied in his literary outlook.Bloom studied romanticism in his early years.In his view of literature,romanticism is permeated with three aspects:creation subject,creation method and value pursuit.The creative subject pays attention to emotion,will and spirit,advocates the creative methods of metaphor,imagination,confrontation and aesthetic defamiliarization,and seeks the value of Luo Mansi,creativity and aesthetics.It embodies Bloom's romantic literary view from various aspects.The reasons for the existence of Bloom's romantic literary view can not be separated from Bloom's unique life experience,the influence of romantic poets,Abrams and Frye's literary thoughts,and Bloom's reflection on the new criticism and postmodern literary theory.In the reflection of Bloom's romantic literary view,we have seen Bloom's exploration of the romantic chivalry,the persevering and opening up of the aesthetic value and subject main value of romanticism.Let romanticism still occupied a place in the new era.Let the literary classics that emphasize the subject and aesthetics will never be out of date.On the basis of Bloom's pursuit of value,we can also dig out the affirmation of romanticism and the eternal pursuit of nature and truth.The coexistence of Bloom's romantic literary view and deconstructive literary concept also enables us to re understand the relationship between them.However,there are also limitations in Bloom's romantic literary view.His personality has unlimited sentimentality,blindness and arrogance,so that Romanticism becomes utopian and mystifying;his romantic literary view has a strong subjective color and has a full negative attitude to the external study of literature,which deserve our reflection.Romantic literary view is the background and pursuit of Bloom's life.In his great and complex literary view of life,romantic literary outlook is extremely important.The discussion of Bloom's romantic literary view helps to comb Bloom's complex literary concept system,grasp the development and trend of the western literary theory,and provide a new perspective to look at Bloom's late theory of confrontation and classical literature,so as to better understand Bloom's critical characteristics and literature view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Harold Bloom, literary view, romanticism
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