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The Governance Of Qin In Chu Region And The First Exploration Of Leaving Residents Of Chu

Posted on:2019-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548471545Subject:Regional Cultural History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The region of Chu was gradually swallowed by Qin,in order to strengthen its governance,Qin government took lots of measures in these Chu regions.The unify of Qin only in politically,not in thought and culture.In past Chu region,forced by the provisions of the Law or for any.other reasons,the leaving residents of Chu adopted customs of Qin in terms of material,at the same times they also persisted some customs of Chu in material terms,but in spirit and culture,they persisted the customs of Chu as ever.Since the region of Chu was gradually swallowed by Qin,the culture fusion of Qin culture and Chu culture was unbalanced in different district.Specifically,the culture of Qin was at an advantage in those districts which were swallowed early,however in those districts which were swallowed later by Qin,the culture of Chu was at an advanrtage.There were a lot of difference or opposite between Qin culture and Chu culture that led the leaving residents of Chu unaccommodated to the governance of Qin.At last it led to the anti-Qin War broke up firstly in Jianghuai region where Chu culture atmosphere is relatively strong and was swallowed late by Qin.
Keywords/Search Tags:Qin, past Chu region, leaving residents of Chu, culture of Chu, culture of Qin
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