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On The Relationship Between Copying And Creation In Chinese Painting

Posted on:2019-09-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LiuFull Text:PDF
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The main line of this thesis is to discuss the relationship between copying and creation in Chinese painting.Copying in Chinese painting is like the first lesson we learn to walk,and we take our first step with the help of "handrails".When we skillfully "walk" the journey of life begins like this.The history of Chinese painting has a long history,different historical times have brilliant historical achievements,famous historical paintings,in which we exclaim their majesty and grandeur.In the course of our teaching,copying and the teacher's biography become the stepping stones of our contact with Chinese painting From shallow to deep understanding,explored through the study of Chinese painting,bring us a lifetime of wealth,"learning and learning" is the teaching theory proposed by Confucius,is to emphasize the knowledge learned to apply the theory to practice.Copy has a very important position in our creation.The ancient painting experience is that we learn from the example,but our learning attitude can not be immersed in it can not extricate itself,We should continue to enrich ourselves with the spirit of learning and innovation,and then better show ourselves.Copying and creating in Chinese painting is of great significance for us to learn painting.Everyone is an independent body,and the learning methods are different.The results displayed are also different,and the problems encountered from them will also be different.This paper is also from my own perspective to explain the application of the knowledge I have learned in the process of copying and writing,and the problems encountered.Finally,how to solve the problem.The first chapter of my thesis is mainly from four aspects,the first chapter is the introduction part,which includes the research content,significance,research method,and the concrete definition of "Pro" "copy." the second chapter is to summarize the specific essence of "Biography and Mode-shifting Writing".Is to come from practice,to nature.Emphasis on copying,sketching,creative three different stages to grasp the reality The third chapter is to explore the inheritance of traditional Chinese painting creation,specifically from two aspects of the discussion is undeniable copying in the painting reflected the unique artistic value,The second is the duality of copying's influence on creation.Chapter 4th discusses the influence of copying in his actual study of painting,and the problems I encounter in the creation of "Gala".After I find the problem,I consult the album and the book.Through a series of learning,applying,discovering,and solving problems The experience,not only in the skills of the progress,more important in the future painting road and life road of important significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese painting, copying, creation
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