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Application Of Foreignization Strategy In Translating Business Book

Posted on:2019-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y W WangFull Text:PDF
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The author of this report has completed part of the E-C translation of How Cool Brands Stay Hot during her postgraduate study,which is an English business best seller.The book describes the unique consumption psychology of three generations:generation X,generation Y and generation Z growing up in different social environments,which affects the corresponding advertising strategies of foreign brands.Although the foreignization translation strategy proposed by Lawrence Venuti is a descriptive translation theory,it has a strong guiding value for the application of translation practice.Therefore,this translation project adopts foreignization as the major strategy.Based on the comprehensive description of the translation project,this report mainly analyzes the specific application and effect of foreignization strategy in this project.The specific form of foreignization strategy in this translation project is zero translation,transliteration and literal translation.The application of the foreignization strategy makes the Chinese version of the book shows the following three distinctive features.First,a certain number of English sources are preserved in the translation.Second,all the names and brand names in the translation are presented by transliteration.Third,when dealing with cultural differences,it insists on literal translation,which reflects the exotic atmosphere of the original text.Through the practice of this translation project,author has obtained the experience that has some enlightening significance to similar text translation.1)zero translation is also one of the methods of foreignization strategy and it will become the trend of future translation.2)The foreignization strategy has the function of enriching the national language.3)The advertisement translation should follow the treatment attitude for the stylistics and need to consider the stylistic features of advertisement language.Thus,foreignization translation should also consider the matter of fitness.
Keywords/Search Tags:business book, foreignization, zero translation, transliteration, literal translation
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