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The Capital Meteorology In The Poetry Of Wei And Jin Dynasties

Posted on:2019-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330542999627Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A capital is the political,economic,and cultural center of a country.As a living space in the unique geographical location of the country,the capital has attracted historical literati with its advantages of material and cultural resources and its unique symbolic significance.Therefore,it is not only a stage for literati to display their ambitions,but also a atmosphereual home for them.As a collection of political,economic,and cultural specialties of the country,the capital has influenced the development of literature to such an extent that a great number of literati rooted in its fertile social and cultural soil to create a poem with its unique atmosphere.In recent years,the study of regional literature and capital literature,especially capital literature in the period of the Han,the Tang,the Song,the Yuan,the Ming,and the Qing dynasties,stay hot in academic circles.However,the capital literature specifically the capital atmosphere in poetry of the Wei and Jin period have not received due attention.Based on such a research status,this paper takes the capital atmosphere in poetry of the Wei and Jin Dynasty as the research object,discusses its ideological connotation and artistic expression,and tries to further deepen the study of capital literature.The introduction part,with the definition of capital atmosphere representing,sorts out the academic research related to capital atmosphere and clarifies the significance of the thesis and methods of research.After explaining the meaning of capital complex,the first chapter examines the origin and evolution of the ancient Chinese literati's capital complex as well as to explore the historical,cultural and psychological causes behind the complex.As a kind of collective unconsciousness of scholar-bureaucrats,it cannot exist without the cultural genes,philosophical thoughts and thinking patterns generating in the pre-Qin dynasty,and lays a foundation for the essential connotation of capital complex for the later generations.Moreover,since the literati was an important stratum that shouldered political and cultural missions in ancient China,the analysis and traceability of their capital complex can help to grasp the relationship between their living practice as well as poetry creation and capital atmosphere.The second chapter analyzes the connotation of capital atmosphere in the poems of the Wei and Jin dynasty.Focusing on typical scenes and spatial images reflecting capital landscape in the poems including royal gardens and feast events,noble's life and the economy of the capital,and the historical recollections and nostalgia of the capital,this chapter tries to restore historical scenes and deeply analyze the cultural connotation of capital atmosphere of the Wei and Jin dynasty.As large-scale and luxurious as they are,the gardens are a kind of cultural landscapes that integrate multiple functions and cultural implications.Among those the magnificent and pattern-setting royal gardens,in particular,prominently represents the capital atmosphere.The West Garden feast in Cao Wei period and the Hualin meeting held when Jin Emperor Wudi governed not only manifested the mesmerizing atmosphere of the capital,but also demonstrated the life conditions of the literati at that time in the special field.The Wei and Jin period was an era of cultural consciousness when literati showed their individuality and pursued themselves.At that time,the poet focused on portraying the urban landscape,entertainment and literati gatherings to demonstrate the abundance of material life in the capital and presenting the prosperous ideological culture of the capital city life.The capital city can not only show the pompous atmosphere,but also reflect the ever-changing history of dynasties.The nostalgia of capital in poetry makes the symbolic meaning of the capital more stereoscopic and expands the breadth and depth of its connotation,thus making the capital atmosphere in the Wei and Jin dynasty a heavy sense of history and life.Chapter 3 explores the artistic expression of capital atmosphere in poetry.The capital atmosphere in poetry of the Wei and Jin Dynasties reveals the outward grandeur of the dynasties and the vitality of the inner life,which is concentrated in the poetic style of "li”(?,means beauty).From Cao Pi's "poetry should be beautiful" to Lu Ji's "poetry roots in love and blossoms with beauty",then to Liu Xie's "delicately choose words to make the text colorful",all of those literary thoughts can present literati's pursuit for the aesthetic atmosphere of "li".In the process of creation,in order to make the poem colorful and splendid,the poet paid close attention to language and rhetorical techniques,paid attention to refining the characters and made good use of the duality;expatiation was used to expand the scope of description and increase the intensity of the expression of poetry;and images and atmospheres were highlighted to show the gorgeous style of poetry and further intensify the expression of poetry,resulting in the reflection of the prosperity of the capital.From the artistic form and aesthetic pursuit of poetry in the Wei and Jin dynasty,we can see the capital atmosphere and the life mood behind it through the literary images in an era when life is free.The conclusion part summarizes the main content of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:poetry, capital complex, capital atmosphere, artistic expression
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