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A Study On Word Formation And Configuration Overlapping In Dunhuang Variants

Posted on:2019-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330542954855Subject:Chinese Philology
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In the study of Chinese grammar,the nature of Chinese overlapping and its grammatical meaning have always been the research focus of researchers in academic circles.Chinese overlapping has undergone significant changes during the Tang and Five Dynasties,a period of time when overlapping gradually becomes a grammatical means and overlapping words have gradually become stereotyped and solidified.Besides,it is also during this time that the overlapping nature has been transformed mainly from the word formation overlappinginto the overlapping of configuration overlapping.Therefore,in order to accurately grasp the evolution of the overlapping nature of Chinese,we must make clearthe use of overlapping words during the Tang and the Five Dynasties.The present study chooses overlapping words in Dunhuang Variantsas the research focus,which is motivated by the fact that Dunhuang Variantsretains a large amount of oral language components.Adopting the perspective of language contact,the present study counts exhaustively and classifies the overlapping phenomena of nouns,verbs,adjectives,numerals,quantifiers and adverbs.The situation type theory,grammaticalization theory and other modern linguistic theories are used to explain the overlapping nature,grammatical meaning,grammatical functions,etc.,and in this way the general picture ofDunhuang Variants overlapping is outlined.In addition,the author also explores the influence of the introduction of Buddhist scriptures on the overlapping of Dunhuang Variants and the development of overlapping Chinese language.Study on noun overlapping.There are 39 noun overlapping,of which there are 2 word formation overlapping and 37 configuration overlapping.The five types of morphological overlapping occurring in Dunhuang Variants,"Niang"(mother)and "Niang"(mother),are discussed in detail.After the appellation noun overlaps,the affiliation of the noun is superfluous,and the other noun overlap tables are "most,all" and "every" meanings.In the sentence,they are used as subjects,objects,attributes and adverbials.Study on verbs overlapping.There are 13 verb overlapping,of which 6 are word formation overlapping and 7 configuration overlapping.The focus is put on the grammaticalization process of "Kankan"(look)and the relationship between "AA",and"A-A".We further analyze the iconicity of the word formation overlapping and the function of adjustment of overlapping forms.Finally,it is concluded that verb overlapping can act as a predicates and adverbials.Study on adjectives overlapping.There are a total of 113 adjective overlaps,of which 79 word formation overlapping and 34 configuration overlapping.The internal structures of AA,AABB and ABB are discussed in detail and the effects of overlapping adjustments,showing descriptiveness,and subjective evaluations are further analyzed.Finally,it is concluded that adjective overlapping can serve as attributives,predicates,adverbials,complements,and independent components in sentences.Study on numerals,quantifiers,and adverbs overlapping.There are a total of 16 overlapping.All of them are overlapped in form.After the overlap,the majority of the tables and the meaning of each other are used.They can serve as adverbials,attributives,and subjects in a sentence.There are 21 quantifiers that overlap,all of which are configuration overlapping.After the overlapping,both the epoch-aligned and the referential meanings are superimposed.They can work as subjects,attributives,adverbials,objects,and complements in sentences.There are 11 overlapping adverbs,Being in a key period in the development of vernacular in the Tang and the Five Dynasties,Dunhuang Variants play a crucial role in the development of Chinese language.Therefore,we draw a few conclusions:First,inDunhuang Variantsconfiguration overlapping outnumbersword formation overlapping(except for adjective overlaps);secondly,the word overlapping in Dunhuang Variants hasvolume adjustment function of modern Chinese overlapping.Finally,the introduction of Buddhism has an important influence on the overlapping of Dunhuang Variants and the development of Chinese overlapping.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dunhuang Variants, word formation overlapping, configuration overlapping, Volume adjustment
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