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Legislation Under The King Edward The First

Posted on:2018-10-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330536974981Subject:History of law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Given the fact that Edward the first is known as England's Justinian,his legislative achievements seem to have been tacitly viewed as a very active,systematic work.However,if the investigation of the legislation is not only from the legal text,but the combination of scholars at that time to do some of the social history of the study,the conclusion may be different.Even in the case of Edward the First return to justice,did these real cases really support the reputation of "England's Justinian" ?In this paper,the answer is ambiguous.This is related to the role of Edward the First in different legislation and legislative wisdom.Generally speaking,Edward the First had to borrow a department of wool products tariffs warrant and homeopathy established a nationwide tariff system,in this process,Edward the First himself played the role of enough shows that it has the vision and the ability to sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height of legislation.But in mid career,the "land law" in the purchase and sale,Edward the First also showed "legislative thought time",just in front of the need of cash for the provisions of the act,to assist their rule.In addition,as a legislative career peak "statute of Wales" although at that time and later centuries of England and the Welsh society has an important influence,but due to lack of detailed provisions of the statute itself trivial,remembered the classic chapter without cause enough attention.These reasons are made to judge Edward the First legislative action becomes somewhat difficult.But if you take into account the real impact of the legislation,it becomes easier to judge.Although the collection of cases could be found in both the problem of incomplete,but in fact only collected all kinds of cases,the court circuit court and court,around the throne privilege lords court has more than hundreds of.In this regard,the implementation of the law at that time is very feasible.Is the case,after the implementation of the Edward the First legislation is consistent with their original intention,can meet the specification of feudal lords,protect civilians rights,the stability of social order,to do will be unified law of the kingdom of may carry out to the rest of the.On this level,Edward the First legislative activities can be said to be successful.After all,for a king,the effect of this legislation is more important than the later statement.It is also in this period,the common law began to become more common,the kingdom can be seen throughout the passage of the law,this contribution is not predictable Edward the First.Although at the end of his career in England,Edward was once in an awkward position because of the wrong decision of the king,but it could not cover up the first thirteen years of the glory of Edward.England's treasury in the conquest of Scotland during a time when the collapse of the original,the original establishment of the normal financial system has been destroyed by Edward the First.In addition to Edward I of Italy businessman wantonly debt,resulting in England.In the end,Edward the First declared the end of the rule of England in bankruptcy.At the current point of view,Edward's career before and after the period of upheaval has not quite distinct from each other,which proves that the future can only speculate on.However,it can be concluded that Edward's political activities in the later period of the first half of the year were not in the early stage of the legislative activities.Therefore,this paper argues that although "England Justinian" is probably somewhat overrated,but Edward the First is still a good legislator.Given that Edward the First was the first to achieve such a high degree of legislative success as a king,and almost all of his achievements came from the first thirteen years of his career,he was even more admired.
Keywords/Search Tags:Edward the First, Legislation, Statute
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