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Research On Modern Chinese "Yiqi" And Some Relevant Comparison

Posted on:2018-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330515455843Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Adverb is an important part of speech in Mandarin Chinese.The meaning and usage of "yiqi",which is an frequent-used adverb in Mandarin Chinese,has aroused deep interest among researchers.Previous research focuses on viewing "yiqi" as part of the system of adverbs expressing coordination and lacks systematic and deep investigation of its meaning and usage.This thesis aims at exploring the meaning and usage of "yiqi" thoroughly,trying to get the essence of the formation of its meaning and its performances in syntax.Different comparisons are made between "yiqi" and its synonym "gongtong",the English correspondents together and jointly,and the synonyms in Chinese northern dialects.It is argued that the agent of "yiqi" can be master-slave and is affected by others when "yiqi" shows the meaning of polymerization."yiqi" and "gongtong" is different in the fact that the agent of "yiqi"is affected by others while "gongtong" not.The difference between "yiqi" and"gongtong" also manifests in English and Chinese dialects.The whole thesis consists of four chapters.Chapter One studies the evolution of semantics of "yiqi".According to the range of variation,the semantics of "yiqi" is restricted by time or place.Chapter Two compares the semantics and usage of "yiqi" and "gongtong".From the semantic aspect,both "yiqi" and "gongtong" can means polymerization.However,the agent of "yiqi" can be master-slave and it is affected by others when "yiqi" shows the meaning of polymerization while "gongtong" not.Both "yiqi" and "gongtong" can modify the predicates which has dynamic features.But "yiqi" can also modify predicates featuring variation,interaction and overall altered state.When co-occurring with other adverbs,“yiqi" and "gongtong" can be used with adverbs whether the type of the adverbs is the same with "yiqi" and "gongtong" or not.However,"gongtong" is constrained when co-occurring with some time adverbs,scope adverbs and negative adverbs.From the pragmatic aspect,"yiqi" can be used in writing and colloquialism while "gongtong" can merely be used in writing."yiqi" has pragmatic meanings but"yiqi" not.Chapter Three studies the difference of semantics and usage between "yiqi" and together/jointly.We find that "yiqi" and together is similar when shows the meaning of polymerization.Hence,they usually are the corresponding translation of each other.However,when situated after verbs and the agent of it acts autonomously,together can be translated with "gongtong".Jointly means combination of events that agents acts autonomously.and is often translated with "gongtong" However,when situated before verbs in active tense sentences or the agent of it is affected,jointly can be translated with "yiqi",Chapter Four compares "yiqi" with synonyms in northern dialect.We find that the semantic meanings of "yiqi" are covered in every dialect.The difference between"yiqi" and "gongtong" also manifests in dialects whose dialect words are multiple in morphology and semantics.
Keywords/Search Tags:"yiqi", evolution, semantic, usage, comparison
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