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The Research Of The Thought Of Foregrounding Qing In Song Dynasty Porcelain Art

Posted on:2014-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P PangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the traditional Chinese artistic creation in ancient and wise,the concept of harmony between man and nature has profound influence on later generations.The Song Dynasty culture and art is very prosperous,ceramic art creation also advocate and spread of this creation concept.The artist belongs to the literati,they emphasize the harmony between man and nature,natural and fresh aesthetic value.However,with eximious extraordinary artistic value and aesthetic interest and become the classic era is not only the real song porcelain,the more they in art creation into and show the spirit of Chinese culture--is the Qing Dynasty thought.This spirit is the serenity indifferent to life realm and aloof quiet personality taste pursuit.This article is divided into five parts,mainly through the study of Chinese traditional aesthetic culture of "foregrounding Qing thought",and to interpret the Song dynasty ceramics art according to this thought,this thought is the concept of creation,and whether this idea and aesthetic culture at the time of the suit;finally,still traditional thought to the modern life and ceramic art,hoping to be inspired a in aesthetic spirit.The first part:combs the Chinese traditional culture of "foregrounding Qing Dynasty thought",second part of the analysis of influence of "nature is the Qing Dynasty thought" to the later,the third part "still" thought "and development,the formation of fourth parts:the Song dynasty ceramics and" foregrounding Qing thought",the fifth part:"the aesthetic implications are clear thought "brought to modern society and ceramic art.
Keywords/Search Tags:porcelain of Song dynasty, artistic characteristicsthe, consciousness of foregrounding, Qingesthetic sentiment, the pursuit of personality
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