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Gerontic Lu You's Daily Life And Poetry-creation

Posted on:2016-07-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330464972993Subject:Ancient literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The theme of this thesis is the poems of Lu You created in his later years.On the basis of such aspects as his economic conditions,the identity consciousness of both peasant and intellectual,the thesis is going to discuss the internal relationship between poet's daily life and poetry creation.The most poems of Lu You created in old age are closely related with poverty,which is caused by his essential characteristics of a scholar or the miserably poor reality.It is said that Lu You had so many families that the expenditure was certainly great.The spending of buying books,drink,medicine,the cost of children education,the servants'salary and the pay for the taxes are rather large.However,the main income in his family was just an official salary and land revenue,which was merely to make ends meet in a short period.Even so,Lu You did not feel ashamed of poverty but was contented the present.His way of living has been resigning himself to nature.He had an optimistic belief that longevity is an good compensation for poverty.The frustration in official career and poverty in life made Lu You intone poverty in a lot of his poems time and time again.Lu You agreed with the viewpoint of OuYang xiu that only a poet was in a predicament can he or she create masterpieces.And then he explained deeply that the poetry thins people and ages people.But the poverty in Lu You's poems is a economic concept,which differs from that of OuYang xiu that refers to the setbacks in official career.In regard to the matter,Lu You's annotation and the imitate of poetry in later Tang Dynasty had a profound influence on the poetic school of rivers and lakes.From 1189 to the february of 1208,Lu You still had an or half of official income as a scholar-bureaucrat.But before 1190,he called himself a peasant in poems,and the acceptance was stronger with each passing day.Meanwhile,it was also a process which Lu You gradually convinced himself to accept the reality.Of course,this change was not the consequence of a force,but resulted from such impetuses as the frustration in official career,unsophisticated rural life and villagers,the agriculture-oriented family tradition,and conversion of the value system in the Southern Song Dynasty.As a result,his poetic style in the period also varied with the ideological transformation.With the more and more poems involved rusticity,the leisure and peace were increasingly prominent not only in Lu You's poetry also within his heart.After retired,Lu You often had felt doleful,but his families gave him great comfort,sharing happy hours with descendants,such as on a trip and doing farm work with families,and also sharing happy hours with descendants and undertaking responsibilities and difficulties.The big family helped and care for each other,and Lu You also was amiable for children and grandchildren,and often childish at leisure time.Reading was the most common routine in scholar-bureaucrats' families,without exception for Lu You.He had loved books in all his life,and instructed descendants not only to read books,but also respect the Dao and conduct themselves in society in line with it.Lu You also worried about his descendants' future,so he inculcated and instructed his descendants the values of cultivating moral character,getting with others,regulating a family and devoting to duty in poetry.Keeping to the poems on family instruction of Lu You,and contrasting the literary works of this sort between the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties,the themes of family instruction works in the Southern Song Dynasty were about managing state affairs were less,and most were of family economies.However,this conversion was closely related to the social reality and ideological transformation of scholars.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gerontic Lu You, Daily life, Poetry-creation
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