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A Study On Public Health Campaign And Urban Modernization Of Chongqing(1937-1945)

Posted on:2021-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330611464486Subject:Chinese history
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“Health” was endowed with multiple meanings of state and nationality in the context of modern China,and became an important tool for modern China to get rid of backwardness and poverty,thus stimulating the spread of the thought of "saving the country with health".Under the influence of the thought of "saving the country with health",some people of insight gradually realized that the real cause of people's sickness is not the lack of personal hygiene,but the lack of the implementation of "public health".Therefore,since the beginning of the 20 th century,public health services have been vigorously promoted in China,and became an important part of urban municipal administration and national administration.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War,Chongqing,as the capital of China during the war,enjoyed an unprecedented improvement in both its political status and international status.However,at this time,there was a large gap between Chongqing's urban health and the status of its accompanying capital.Although after the pre-war Chongqing city sanitation management and the launch of the New Life Movement,the cleanliness of the city is still worrying,the public's concept of health is also very lacking,which leads to the decline of the health status of the citizens and the livability of the city.As a result,the National Government and people of insight have asked the authorities to improve the public health of the capital,Chongqing,and hope to use it to achieve the goals of strengthening the health of citizens,promoting the development of the capital,and serving the war.In order to ensure the long-term and extensive development of public health services,and at the same time to be able to complete the National Government's administrative order on the health of the capital,Chongqing municipal authorities organized a large-scale urban public health campaign during the Anti-Japanese War.In the specific process of the campaign,first of all,through the implementation of Cleaning Campaign and Epidemic Prevention Campaign,the public health facilities and sanitation system of Chongqing cities during the war were further enriched,thus realizing the improvement of the modernization degree of Chongqing municipalconstruction.Secondly,with the implementation of the Epidemic Prevention Campaign,the Summer Health Campaign and the National Health Campaign,citizens have been fully encouraged to participate in public health campaigns,allowing citizens to gradually improve their public health awareness in the process of personal participation in public health campaigns and transform their own poor health habits,so as to realize the cultivation of modern public health concepts of citizens,and change their backward health perception of "Health is in the individual,not the public".In addition,in view of the importance of Chongqing's urban public health to build the image of the Chinese capital city during the war,the Chongqing Municipal Government promoted the implementation of the Rodent Control Campaign,the Cleaning Campaign and the Rules Campaign.Through the improvement of this three major public health campaign,not only alleviated rodent infestations in the city and the living problems caused by rodent infestations,it also transformed the appearance of the city in Chongqing during the war and the outmoded conventions and customs of the citizens,and promoted the formation of a clean and orderly image of the capital.Through the wartime Chongqing municipal authorities to the city public health governance,it can be seen that the implementation of the Public Health Campaign in Chongqing during the war was based on the improvement of the urban health problems,but its final implementation effect achieved the improvement of the city's municipal administration,the improvement of citizens' concept and a good city image.In terms of the process of urban modernization development,whether it is the improvement of municipal administration,the progress of citizens' concept,or the benign development of the overall appearance of the city,it is an important indicator of urbanization and the only way for cities to modernize.Therefore,according to the promotion of Chongqing's urban development by the Chongqing Public Health Campaign during the war,we can say:the significance of urban public health progress not only rests on sanitation itself,but also means an increase in the degree of urban modernization.As a result,the significance of sanitation to the urban modernization process should be,and it is worthy of recognition.
Keywords/Search Tags:During the Anti-Japanese War, Chongqing, Public Health Campaign, Urban Modernization
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