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University Students AIDS Prevention Mechanism Research

Posted on:2021-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330602977221Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sometimes in recent years,AIDS patients take revenge on society and AIDS positive undergraduates "huddle together".Such phenomena not only have aroused adverse impact on the public,but also impeded normal research and teaching in colleges and universities.As China steps into a new era,new problems have emerged like social and economic transformation,value reshaping,etc.To some extent,HIV infection among university students also reveals the negative aspects in promoting spiritual civilization.Hence,AIDS prevention&control among undergraduates has been an urgent issue in the current.In the paper,literature research,comparative analysis,questionnaire survey and interview method are also adopted in this study.The author got the overall situation of AIDS prevention&control in N city through on-site interviews and questionnaires to college students and managerial staff there.Apart from that,the author also studied their measures and effects.By analysis,the following problems have been found in universities in terms of AIDS prevention:unitary form,insufficient attention and testing,confined public services for treatment and care,poor educational propaganda,failure to know the current situation.According to the study,the reasons include deficient prevention&control mechanism,bad cooperative consciousness among departments and absence of collaborative governance.By learning the experience of America,Thailand and Uganda in terms of AIDS prevention and control,the following strategies for AIDS prevention and control among college students were concluded from the perspective of collaborative governance theory.First,build a platform to improve and execute legal protection for collaborative governance;second,establish a prevention&control mechanism to reinforce the dominant system of collaborative governance;third,harmonize the initial impetus and consolidate the implicit system of collaborative governance;fourth,direct the values and increase the efficiency of collaborative governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Collaborativegovernance, Undergraduates, HIV/AIDS, Prevention and control mechanism
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