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Research Of Keiteki Shu On Inheritance Danxi Medical And Its Influence

Posted on:2021-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330602492311Subject:Documents on the history of traditional Chinese medicine
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Keiteki Shu,is a representative book of the later generations of Chinese medicine in Japan.The author is Japanese physician Manase Dosan.In 1574,the book was compiled by Dosan from the Chinese medical literature.It is mainly to explain the medical thought of syndrome differentiation and to enlighten the next nephew of nunnery.In this paper,the author mainly focuses on the content of enlightenment collection,which includes the following aspects.First,it introduces the basic situation of the author Manase Dosan,including his study experience,medical practice,and writing motivation.This paper analyzes the historical background of the book,and makes a general outline of its contents.Secondly,the overall situation of the literature cited in the enlightenment collection is investigated and analyzed quantitatively.At the end of the volume of qidiji,the author recorded the names of 64 cited books and their abbreviations in the text,which was originally conducive to the analysis of the situation of citation,but the actual situation is that there are many confusion and lack.After checking,there are 44 direct references in the book of enlightenment.Further quantitative analysis shows that the main references in the book are the works of Danxi school,and the frequently cited "medical journal","Yuji Weiyi" and"Danxi heart method" are all written by Danxi disciples for the purpose of promoting Danxi theory.This result fully reflects the academic tendency learn from Danxi.In addition,most of the books cited in the enlightenment collection were from the 13th to the 16th century,mainly from the late Southern Song Dynasty to the early Ming Dynasty.The main types are comprehensive works suitable for clinical practice,and there are many valuable specialized and specialized works.Among them,the internal injuries and miscellaneous diseases are mainly from the works of Danxi school,while the other typhoid,surgical sores,first aid,gynecology and pediatrics are mostly from the corresponding specialized disease works.Secondly,the inheritance of Danxi medicine in the book of enlightenment is investigated,and the reasons for its spread and decline are analyzed.In terms of text inheritance Manase Dosan,starting from the local and practical aspects,avoids the introduction of abstract concepts such as complex reasoning and luck,and tries to put the theory into practice.In the process of compiling,Manase Dosan changed the form of copying and listing the original medical texts,but adjusted the original sentences appropriately to make them concise and concise.It also introduces lines similar to mind mapping,which have the meaning of logical comparison and analysis,are clear and more in line with the reading habits and acceptance ability of Japanese doctors.These sorting methods make the enlightenment collection more technical,more concise and practical,which is conducive to the dissemination of Danxi medicine.In terms of the inheritance of medical thought,the enlightenment collection inherits Danxi's view of disease mainly within the ideological system,the view of treatment to protect healthy qi,the view of syndrome differentiation and treatment of Qi,blood and phlegm,and the view of individual difference,establishes a relatively perfect system of theory,method and medicine,and opens the era of Japanese empirical medicine.In terms of the inheritance of research methods,daosan,following the example of Danxi,has formed a powerful academic school,the later generation school,which has a positive role in promoting the spread of academic.Manase Dosan also adheres to the spirit of differentiation and doubt in Danxi medicine.In "differentiation and quotation",he specially lists "knowledge change" and "suspicion of implementation",and emphasizes that "the law has no fixed body,the application should be made according to the change,the medicine does not implement the prescription,and it is suitable for use",which is also the soul of the thought of differentiation and treatment.It is not only an important content of Neo Confucianism,but also an important method of Danxi's study.Daosan advocates to explore the deep law of disease,and to shift the focus of medical research from the vast prescription book to "know its essentials",and then to reach the "know it all" knowledge situation,which is rare and valuable in the Japanese medical community without enthusiasm for theoretical exploration.On the inheritance of clinical model,Manase Dosan abstracts the essence of Danxi medicine and generalizes it as "examination,differentiation and treatment".Syndrome differentiation and treatment is the process of understanding and treating diseases,and also the embodiment of medical theory applied to clinical practice.It is considered as the most outstanding academic contribution of Manase Dosan.In order to avoid a lot of abstract analysis and simplify the process of clinical diagnosis and treatment,we should pay more attention to the investigation of "external" syndrome and increase the skill,flexibility and simplicity.The Japanese pay more attention to the objective existence,but lack of thinking about the transcendental level,which is the fundamental difference between the syndrome differentiation and treatment in China and the syndrome differentiation and treatment in China.Third,analyze the reasons for the development and decline of enlightenment and Danxi medicine in Japan.The main reason for its spread is its practicability,simplicity and skill,as well as its specialty in bibliography and category.Then came the prosperous and stable Edo era in Japan.With the development of zhuzixue,Danxi medicine was widely spread in Japan,and the later generations also had boundless scenery.However,they don't like abstract reasoning and lack of enthusiasm for theoretical exploration,which makes it difficult for the idea of inspection,differentiation and treatment to continue in Japan.When the field of Japanese Confucianism began to change internally,denying metaphysics,cutting off the continuity of heaven and man,and excluding private intelligence,the ideological foundation of Danxi medicine was deconstructed one by one in the process of reconstruction of Japanese Confucianism.The medical opinions of Danxi medicine and daosan inspection and treatment went to inevitable decline.Fourth,to explore the influence of Enlightenment on Japanese Han Medicine.The enlightenment collection is the teaching book of the enlightenment Institute.Its spread popularized medical knowledge to Japanese society,broke the old habit of non monks not learning medicine,effectively promoted the separation of medicine and Buddhism,and also promoted the transformation of Chinese medicine from "virtual" to "real" in Japan.The contents of enlightenment are related to etiology and pulse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Keiteki Shu, Medical system of Danxi, Inherit, Influence
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