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The Clinical Reseach On The Common Syndromes, Constitutions And Their Correlatiaon Of The Menopause Syndromes

Posted on:2019-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330575999772Subject:Gynecology of traditional Chinese medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Hot flashes" by observing the menopause syndrome patients clinical symptoms,such as investigation and syndrome factor,constitution and other relevant circumstances,discusses the before and after menopause syndrome patients before the onset of the "hot flashes" rule and the characteristics of clinical symptoms,analyzing the characteristics of the syndrome factor,physical distribution,and the correlation between each other,so as to standard simplified dialectical clinical diagnosis and treatment before and after the menopause syndrome,for "ti-treatment based on syndrome differentiation" path to provide some basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.Objective:(1)To explore the characteristics of "hot flashes" and the diversity of symptoms in patients with postmenopausal syndrome.(2)To explore the distribution characteristics of syndrome in patients with postmenopausal syndrome.(3)To explore the physical distribution characteristics of patients with postmenopausal syndrome.(4)To explore the correlation between constitution and syndrome in patients with postmenopausal syndrome.Methods:This study based on the basic principles of evidence-based medicine,clinical epidemiological cross-sectional survey method,collection in June 2017,01 solstice December 31,2017 in affiliated hospital of shanxi university of TCM gynecology outpatient treatment,and accord with standard of disease diagnosis,into and out of 60 patients with menopausal syndrome.Applied research prior to clinical investigation on symptom information collection table,using professor wen-feng zhu "syndrome factor differentiation system" syndrome factor identification,use the issue of China association of Chinese medicine of traditional Chinese medicine constitution classification and decision criteria for physical identification,on this basis,using Epidata software associated database,integrated use of a variety of mathematical statistics analysis method,to explore menopausal syndrome patients symptoms characteristic of syndrome factor,physical distribution,and the correlation between each other.Results1.Demographic data.A total of 60 patients with "hot flashes" in menopause were surveyed,with an average age of(49.48 + 4.07).The maximum is 59 and the minimum is 40.2.Medical history characteristics and accompanying disease.2.1 Previous history and surgical history:The patient had a history of disease of 21.67%.Among them,there were a large number of patients with uterine fibroids,accounting for 8.33%.33.33 percent of the patients had a history of surgery,among which the number of caesarean section was the highest in the lower segment of the uterus,and there were more hysteromyoma extirpations,accounting for about 6.67%.2.2 History of marriage and abortion:The proportion of married patients in the group was 100%,and the history of pregnancy was different from that of pregnancy to pregnancy,and the proportion of pregnancy was higher,which accounted for 33.33%.The number of births was from one child to three children,but the proportion of the number of births was 85%.There were 46 cases of spontaneous delivery,76.67%,and the rest were delivered by caesarean section.Abortion method(66.67%)> drug flow(31.67%);Vaginal delivery(76.67%)was significantly higher than cesarean section(23.33%);In the history of abortion,there were43 patients with the history of menopause,accounting for 71.67%.Methods of abortion: 40 cases of induced abortion,accounting for 66.67%;19 cases of drug abortion,accounting for 31.67%;There were only two cases of spontaneous abortion.2.3 Existing diseases.There are currently 6 patients with disease,accounting for 10.00%.There were 4cases of mild mammary hyperplasia,accounting for 6.67%.1 case of allergic rhinitis and work blood.3.Kupperman rating scale.The frequency descending order of Kupperman rating table was listed as follows:insomnia(90%),anxiety(85%),dizziness(55%),fatigue(68.33%),and muscle joint pain(76.67%).Neuropsychiatric symptoms(96.67%),osteoarthrosis and muscle symptoms(85%).4.Hot flashesIn terms of the number of hot flashes,the number of patients with hot flashes of 0-3times/day was 41.67%,and 50.00% of the patients with 3-10 times/day,91.67%.The probability of onset time was night(85%)> afternoon and evening(83.33%)> morning(53.55%)> morning and noon(40%).The probability of attack site was the first face(61.67%),> waist(60.00%)and extremities(58.33%)and >(51.67%).Mild(mild,but no undressing or ventilation relief)was the highest,about 61.67%.The maximum duration of hot flashes lasted for 1 minute /1-3 minutes,which was about 81.67%.5.Related symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine.5.1 Gynecological menstruation:(1)Menstrual situationThe proportion of patients who had been suspended for more than three months was45%.In march,55 percent of patients were menstruating.About 40% of the menstrual cycles were changed,and only 15% of patients had the same menstrual cycle as before.During the period,30% of the period is not changed,and 25% of the period is changed(shortening > extension);The color aspect is dominated by dark red,red and red,the least red,only two people;Blood clots accounted for 36.67% of menstrual blood,and 18.33% of blood clots were not seen.The number of dysmenorrhea is small,only 8,accounting for13.33%.(2)Bring down the situation.There were 31 patients with abnormal diseases,accounting for 51.67%.With the lower color,the white belt was the largest,accounting for 43.33%.With the lower quantity,the proportion of lower quantity is about 43.33%.The majority of patients had no change in texture and smell,only 10 people with foul smell or foul smell.The proportion of pruritus vulvae was higher,accounting for 48.33%.There was a significant decrease in libido and asexual patients,with 36.67 percent refusing to respond.5.2 Somatic symptoms(1)Systemic symptoms:The highest proportion(76.67%),night sweats and fatigue(70%)were the most common symptoms,and the lowest was self-perspiration(51.67%).(2)Painful symptoms.The incidence of pain in patients was also higher(81.67%),among which the pain was mostly joint pain.The degree of pain was mild;The pain is mainly fixed pain,pain,heavy pain;The characteristics of pain are mainly related to fatigue and temperature.(3)Local symptoms and diet,sleep,two symptoms,and emotional symptoms:Rate above 50% and the symptoms of descending order as follows: forgetfulness(96.67%),lumbar debility(93.33%),irritability(93.33%),the weakness of god(91.67%),anxiety(85%),abnormal sleep(81.67%),limbs(76.67%),not heave a deep sigh(66.67%),hand,foot and heart heat(58.55%),abnormal stool(58.33%),depression(53.33%),complexion dark(55%).The incidence rate in more than 90% of the symptom is: the waist knee is soft,the god is tired,irritable,forgetfulness,except the waist and knee is soft and the rest are mental symptoms,and the incidence of forgetfulness is highest.6.Laboratory test results.In this study,FSH was(36.491 + 18.6659)mIU/ml in the hormone levels of the menopausal women with hot flashes.Maximum value: 69.779mIU/ml,minimum value of4.071mIU/ml;LH(24.8483 + 14.9608)mIU/ml;The maximum value is 55.3410mIU/ml,and the minimum value is 1.4580mIU/ml.7.The distribution of the syndrome.Through my research,in descending order frequency,more relevant for the disease before and after menopause disease of syndrome factor was followed by liver,kidney,spleen,heart,stomach,the liver(88.33%),renal(85.00%),high frequency;The pathogenicity syndrome(non-virtual reality)is in turn;Qi stagnation,Yang deficiency,Yin deficiency,qi deficiency,blood stasis,blood deficiency,wet,cold,phlegm,heat,among them qi stagnation(91.67%),Yang deficiency(80.00%),Yin deficiency(75.00%).8.Constitutional distribution resultsAmong the 60 patients in the group,there were 57 patients with nine constitutive types,and 3 patients were not of any one or both of the nine typical body types.For the three patients who failed to clearly classify the constitution type,no analysis was made.Among the 57 patients,there were two types: single constitution(43.33%)and dual body(51.67%).And divided into and clip to two,three,five types of constitution,and two kinds of physical 24 cases,accounted for 40.00%,and three kinds of constitution in 5 cases,accounted for 8.33%,and five constitution only 2 cases,respectively,deficiency of quality+ Yang quality + phlegmy wet quality + quality + qi depression blood stasis,deficiency of quality + + Yin Yang mass quality + qi depression is qualitative,the great mass,accounted for 3.33%.Through the different constitution types of statistics,"hot flashes" menopause female physique type frequency in descending order is Yang deficiency mass(60.00%)> Yin mass(31.67%)> qi depression mass(23.33%)> phlegm wet mass(13.33%),deficiency of mass(13.33%),the great mass of blood stasis(13.33%)> mass(6.67%)> humid mass(3.33%).Among them,the proportion of patients with yang-deficiency and Yang deficiency was the largest,about 71.67%.9.Results of the correlation between syndrome and constitution.There was a positive correlation between the "liver" and "qi stagnation" of the postmenopausal women.In addition,qi deficiency and qi deficiency,Yang deficiency and Yang deficiency,Yin deficiency and Yin deficiency and blood stasis were also positively correlated with blood stasis.It is positively correlated with Yin deficiency and qi deficiency.Conclusion(1)Asomotor symptoms of "hot flashes" attribute of menopause syndrome disease characteristics,have no time,no place,send the contested attack characteristic,and the traditional timed heating or hot very "hot flashes" concept of clinical syndrome differentiation should be identified.(2)The clinical symptoms of the patients with postmenopausal syndrome have the characteristics of diversity and complexity,and the clinical syndrome differentiation should be fully collected in many aspects,such as body,spirit and gynaecology.(3)Syndrome is the smallest unit of syndrome,including disease and disease,which can effectively simplify clinical syndrome differentiation.The syndromes of postmenopausal syndrome are mainly liver and kidney,and the pathologic classes involve the two ends of the deficiency,presenting the characteristics of the syndrome.(4)The menopause is a key period for women to transition from young to old,and women who are in menopause can effectively help women through menopause.In this stage,the constitution of female constitution is complex,and it is mainly composed of the combination of the body and the body.In the case of the patients,Yang deficiency is themost common among the patients,with the deficiency of Yang deficiency and Yang deficiency as well as the physical condition of the body,which accounts for 60.00% of the total number.(5)Constitution and syndrome factor from different angles,different levels of understanding of the nature of the human body,is a close correlation between clinical will be combined with the body and syndrome differentiation,will be more conducive to disease diagnosis and treatment and aftercare.The results of this study showed that the qi and depression were positively correlated with the "liver" and "qi stagnation".In addition,the qi deficiency and the deficiency of qi deficiency,Yang deficiency and deficiency of syndrome,Yin deficiency and deficiency of syndrome,and blood stasis and blood stasis were positively correlated.
Keywords/Search Tags:Postmenopausal syndrome, Hot flash, The element, Physical, Correlatian
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