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Content Analysis Of Doctor-patient Public Opinion In Tianya Forum In The Perspective Of Health Communication

Posted on:2020-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F ChenFull Text:PDF
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With the rapid development of Internet technology,the public's access to media information,the speed of response to social events and the place of social topic expression are generally increasing,which greatly improves the awareness and ability of social participation of the vast number of Internet citizens.At the same time,it is complementary that a large number of social hot spots and emergencies will enter the public s vision more frequently.At present,Internet citizens 'concerns and emotions will be quickly focused to form a huge energy field of network public opinion,which arouses wider social concern.As a concentrated reflection of social public sentiment and public opinion,network public opinion not only plays a powerful role in the network,but also has a profound impact on the real society through public attitudes and social public policy formulation.As one of the hotspots in the network public opinion,the network public opinion on the doctor-patient relationship has a vital impact on the doctor-patient relationship and social order.This study analyzes the posts related to doctor-patient relationship in Tianya Community,China's largest online forum platform,through the social role theory and the measurement concept of introducing social mentality theory,aiming to understand the overall content and changes of doctors and patients' public opinion in the forum(2011-2018).Exploring the cognitive bias of doctors and patients brought about by the difference of roles in the network environment and the fluctuation of the cognitive bias of doctors and patients of different subjects year by year.Through the observation of the content change of the poster's content and the interaction of the lyric content,exploring whether the forum users'orientation of the doctor-patient relationship is singular,which try to confirm the applicability scope of the silent spiral theory and the rationality of the network group polarization theory.There may be a discussion of the failure boundary.The study found that the doctor-patient public opinion showed the characteristics of low social trust,low social sentiment and negative behavioral tendency.However,due to language limitations,some forum users were also found to be due to contextual responses.The differences in doctors and patients'perceptions vary from year to year.The traditional doctor-patient relationship is deconstructed and transformed into a joint doctor-patient relationship.Through the observation of the content changing of the poster content and the interaction of the lyrical content,it is confirmed that the silent spiral effect has been invalidated in the anonymous Internet forum.It is found that the polarization trend of the network group is not necessarily,and how it will change depends on whether communication is rational.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tianya Forum, Doctor-patient Public Opinion, Content Analysis
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