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Research On The Development Status And Countermeasures Of Basic-level TCM Center

Posted on:2019-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R W WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330572467914Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Purpose:Basic ability of the Chinese medicine service becomes the key of the development of Chinese medicine,Chinese medicine hall with its health services in traditional Chinese medicine provides the omni-directional,the whole cycle of advantage,gradually becomes backbone of health services at the grassroots level,which is the core strategy to realize that everyone will have access to basic services of traditional Chinese medicine and important way.But it can be seen,the traditional Chinese medicine library as a new mode of Chinese medicine service at the grassroots level in the overall layout,service mode,talent echelon,connotation construction,evaluation mechanism,etc,still appear many problems,which has become a bottleneck for the further development of basic of traditional Chinese medicine.This study by extracting some representative pavilion angles,deep research of traditional Chinese medicine,at the grass-roots level so as to preliminary objective evaluation on the current situation of the development of museum of traditional Chinese medicine of our country,analyzed the main factors influencing the Chinese medicine library work,and put forward the corresponding counterrneasures and policy suggestions,the building of grassroots development of traditional Chinese medicine to provide reference and basis.Methods:In certain cities of Shandong province as an example,this study carried out in accordance with the community health service centers and towns and townships stratification,randomly selected in each layer of 15 grassroots health service agencies,adopted the method of questionnaire,collecting 30 grass-roots library construction of traditional Chinese medicine for statistical data,including the service area,the investment of Chinese medicine,Chinese medicine personnel record of formal schooling and title,using appropriate technology,the traditional Chinese medicine prescription of traditional Chinese medicine,health management and health propaganda and education of Chinese medicine,Chinese medicine open beds and utilization,etc.By analyzing the community health service centers and the construction of traditional Chinese medicine in towns and townships,the problems of commonness and individuality,and the part of expert interview,explores relevant issues,discovers the problem,finds out the reasons.Results1.The construction of traditional Chinese medicine pavilion has gradually increased.During the past three years,the state and Shandong province have clarified the construction standards and incentive mechanism of the traditional Chinese medicine pavilion,and the construction of TCM pavilion has become a new focus for improving the basic health service capacity.30 basic TCM pavilion has invested capital of 3.43 million yuan,supports coverage reached 93%,the community health service centers,towns and townships subsidy funds ratio is about 1 to 1.5,the average investment is 93000 yuan and 135300 yuan respectively.The main problem is that the investment is unbalanced,and the township hospitals are only 30%higher than the input average.Second,the investment is mainly used for decoration and basic equipment purchase,the connotation construction needs to be strengthened urgently.2.The talent structure of basic Chinese medicine needs to be improved.With the acceleration development of TCM pavilion construction,take more practice,counterpart support,effectively alleviate the shortage of traditional Chinese medicine at the grass-roots level of community health service center practicing TCM workers accounted for 30.61%of physicians,in towns and townships practicing TCM doctor count the number of doctors has reached 19.23%,from the number of basic standard.However,there is a general lack of highly educated and professional talents,and some community health service centers are managed by third-level hospitals.The proportion of masters is only 14.12 percent,and the number of masters in township hospitals is 0.82 percent.The quality of Chinese medicine talents has become the decisive factor to influence the long-term development of TCM pavilion.3.The service capacity of Chinese medicine is significantly insufficient.The service advantage of traditional Chinese medicine at the grassroots level has not been well demonstrated,and the increase in the number of services is not obvious.Look from the service content,service form is relatively single,which does not have preventive medicine,treatment,health care,rehabilitation and health education and so on to provide more comprehensive health services,have not form the different characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine health service system.The promotion of basic Chinese medicine service ability has become the lifeline of enhancing vitality of TCM pavilion.4.The system of TCM management mechanism is not sound.The traditional Chinese medicine pavilion is still in the stage of extensive management,and it lacks the development model and mechanism system with exemplary significance.It has not fully reflected the inclination of the medicare payment line and reimbursement proportion to the basic Chinese medicine.The welfare treatment of grassroots personnel,promotion of professional title,continuing education and other policies are not in place;The financial compensation mechanism and the performance evaluation mechanism of grassroots TCM have not been established.Construction mechanism has become an important guarantee for the healthy and sustainable development of traditional Chinese medicine pavilion.5.Cultural transmission of Chinese medicine is not enough.Because of its unique position and function,the traditional Chinese medicine pavilion should be the main position to disseminate TCM culture directly to the public.According to the survey,most of the grass-roots health services or in the operation of traditional Chinese medicine,that does outpatient service way,as a direct result of the people's cognition of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)is not comprehensive enough,the scope is not wide,so does the health care,make a diagnosis and give treatment,conditioning disease with TCM theory or sub-health state.The speed of the development of traditional Chinese medicine pavilion is determined by the speed of TCM health and health preservation culture,and it also determines the progress of basic TCM services for all.ConclusionAccording to the research results,the countermeasures and suggestions are as follows:1.Establish a policy system for the development of grassroots TCM services.Museum of TCM is to use the Chinese way to solve the problem of grassroots health mode innovation.Traditional Chinese medicine should be put into all the basic health service policy,and plays a unique advantage in basic health services of traditional Chinese medicine,establishes and improves the Chinese medicine library construction as the core of traditional Chinese medicine development policy system,also improves service ability of traditional Chinese medicine at the local level.We will strive for funds,coordinate financial and price that related departments to improve health insurance policies,and support the construction of the TCM museum itself.2.Reform and improve the development mechanism of grassroots TCM talents.Set up collection of college education,education and continuing education after graduation,shicheng education throughout the system of talent training in general medicine of traditional Chinese medicine,in the face of all the medical students to carry out the education in general medicine of traditional Chinese medicine,for grass-roots training to retain and use Chinese medicine general talents.We will accelerate the training of Chinese medicine talents at the grass-roots level by taking free medical students,county management,and assistance to the public.Promote the price reform of medical services,and reflect the value of technical labor services of medical personnel including general practitioners.3.Enrich innovative service mode.We will explore a new model for the establishment of an integrated treatment of non-disease-rehabilitation,"Internet plus traditional Chinese medicine",the integration of traditional Chinese medicine into health care and matermal and child health care,and the development of TCM health examination services.4.Increase propaganda.We will strengthen public's opinion and guidance through media publicity,expert consultation,science popularization lectures and other forms,improve the health literacy of residents in traditional Chinese medicine,and promote the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine culture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grassroots, Traditional Chinese medicine, Countermeasure research
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