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An Analysis On Yang Deficiency Pathogenesis Of Depressive Symptoms In Hypothyroidism Of Gall Disease

Posted on:2019-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2394330548992339Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
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Gall disease,called Simple Goiter,which includes hyperthyroidism,hypothyroidism,endemic goiter and thyroid adenoma in modern medicine,is a disease characterized by swelling laryngeal prominence and neck.The gall disease is very harmful.Endemic goiter is one of the main representatives before the universal use of iodide for prevention and treatment in modern times.In modern times,gall disease still seriously endangers people's health.According to the China Health Education Center announced in 2013,there are more than 200 milli on patients with thyroid disease in China.On the one hand,the endomic goiter and endemic cretinism have been contained,but later found in the endomic goiter area,a large number of people who have been diagnosed as "normal" in the past actually have a variety of iodine deficiency impairments,and the number is far greater than that of patients with endomic goiter and endemic cretinism.On the other hand,the incidence of some rare thyroid disease has been significantly increased.Such as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis(hereinafter referred to as Hashimoto's disease,HD).Chinese medicine has its advantages and characteristics in preventing and treating gall disease.Recently,disease phenomena,compared with depressive symptoms,have been noticed gradually.It is noticed that many diseases can be accompanied by depressive symptoms of depression.Depression needs to be treated concurrently while treating other disease,or(be treated)mainly,when it is of an affect to recovery.The depression syndrome is very obvious in goiter,and it is mainly presented in the recognition of the pathogenesis and syndromes of goiter.The stagnation of liver qi is playing an important role,while "depression" is just one of the main expressions of the depression of liver qi.A vairty of generalist emphasized that given as a prominent feature,depression being treated is especially good for the recovery of gall disease.Traditionally,the pathog enesis of depressive symptoms of gall disease is generally considered to be liver qi stagnation.Treating is mainly based on relieving liver qi stagnation.As Our studying te am believed,not only liver qi stagnation is an important pathogenesis of depressive symptoms,but yang deficiency should also be the the pathogenesis.Our topic explore for this point.And provides a reference for the further improvement of clinical methods for prevention and treatment of depressive symptoms with chinese medicine.Generally,liver-qi stagnation is regarded as the main pathogenesis and syndrome of depression in traditional Chinese medicine.Nevertheless,the theory of yang deficiency,inducing depression syndrome,has gradually gained attention and acceptance,and has achieved plenty of good results in clinical application.Our research topic has similarities with this tread in the analysis of the depressive symptoms of yang deficiency in the case of hypothyroidism.1.The depressive symptoms of gall disease are more prominentThe depressive symptoms of gall disease are more prominent.This is mainly reflected in the pathogenesis and syndrome recognition of the gall disease,and liver-qi stagnation has always occupied a more important position.Liver stagnation syndrome has always been the main syndrome in the differentiation and treatment of gall disease in traditional Chinese medicine."Finger Cushion of Doctor in Ming Dynasty" said,"Five galls mostly originate from Qi and phlegm,and are produced between the neck and the two cheek." Liu Xiaodong and Chen Yin believed that doctors in the past dynasties mainly used the method of soothing the li ver and regulating qi.Lu Rui,Li Pin,etc.summarized the medication law and the principle of formula of ancient Chinese medicine treatment of gall disease,and it was found that liver meridian has the most medicinal flavor.In addition,it was a product combination of straightening out qi,soften backbone and reducing phlegm.In the"Clinical Manifestations" of the Chinese medicine textbook "Liver Qi Stagnation",there is even a special mention of "or seeing neck gall tumor."Liver depression syndrome still has an important position in the differentiation and treatment of gall disease in modern Chinese medicine.Taking hashimoto's disease for example.There are three types of syndrome differentiation of hashimoto's disease:The first is the mainly identification of the syndrome of Hashimoto's disease.The second is the main identification of the primary Hashimoto's disease.The third is to identify multiple syndromes of hashimoto's disease.Among these three types of syndrome differentiation,liver depression syndrome is one of the main syndromes.In view of the mainly identification of the syndrome of Hashimoto's disease,there are 108 a rticles in this literature.Among them,the main syndrome of hashimoto's disease contains 78 articles of "liver depression(qi stagnation and qi depression)",and 30 articles are not included in "liver depression(qi stagnation and qi depression)",the former accounting for 72%of the total literature.There are 9 articles to this type of literature in the case of primary hashimoto's disease identification.Among them,the primary syndrome of Hashimoto's disease contains 9 articles of "liver stagnation(qi stagnati on and qi stagnation)",and 0 article is not included in "liver stagnation(qi stagnation and qi stagnation)",the former accounting for 100%of the total literature.There are 9 articles in this type of literature on the identification of multiple syndrome of hashimoto's disease.Among the multiple syndromes of hashimoto's disease,there were eight articles with "liver depression(qi stagnation and qi depression)"and 1 article is not included in "liver depression(qi stagnation and qi depression)",the former accounting for 89%of the total literature.One of the major manifestations of liver depression is" depression".In the pathogenesis and syndrome recognition of the gall disease,the liver qi stagnation has always played an important role.One of the major manifestations of liver depression is depression.So,the depressive symptom of galls disease is more prominent.2.It is an important pathogenesis of depressive symptoms of gall disease when the gall disease is in the state of hypothyroidism and Yang deficiencyThe depressive symptoms of gall disease are more prominent.Therefore,the treat ment of depressive symptoms of gall disease contributes to the recovery of gall disease.Many doctors have stressed this point.To treat the depressive symptoms of gall disease,we need to recognize its pathogenesis and symptoms first.Traditionally,the pathogenesis of the depressive symptoms of the gall disease is generally considered t o be the liver qi stagnation,and the treatment is mainly to relieve liver and relieve depression.We believe that liver qi stagnation is undoubtedly an important pathogenesis of the depressive symptoms of gall disease.However,in addition to stagnation of liver qi stagnation,Yang deficiency should also play a role in the occurrence of hy pothyroidism of gall disease.It is necessary to soothe the liver and relieve depression,but it also needs warm yang to relieve depression.This is because hypothyroidism has more obvious depressive symptoms,while hypothyroidism has a strong correlation with Yang deficiency.2.1 Depressive symptoms of hypothyroidismAccording to "Internal Science"(People's Health Press,2008,Seventh Edition),edited by Lu Zaiying and Zhong Nanshan,the general manifestation of hypothyroidism is "...soul depression...".There are many reports of hypothyroidism similar to depression in western medicine.,and many doctors talk about(Hashimoto's disease)hypoth yroidism(including subclinical hypothyroidism,alternative treatment of hypothyroidism is not satisfied,etc.)with manifestation of "emotional depression".2.2 Hypothyroidism is related to Yang Deficiency2.2.1 The clinical manifestations of hypothyroidism and yang deficiency are basically similar2.2.2 Substantive research on syndrome shows that patients with Yang deficiency have obvious hypothyroidismGao Liang,Gao De,Yu Miaorong and other researches have summarized the substantive research on syndrome over the past several decades have shown that patients with Yang deficiency have obvious hypothyroidism.2.2.3 At the time of hypothyroidism,Yang deficiency was identified by most physic ians and scholars include:?Syndrome differentiation of simple hypothyroidismGao Liang and Gao De summarized the 11 clinically differentiated syndrome diff erentiation studies before 1997,showing that the vast majority of hypothyroidism belonged to yang deficiency syndrome,including Yang deficiency of spleen,Yang deficiency of kidney,Yang deficiency of spleen and kidney,Yang deficiency of heart and kidney and two deficiencies of yin and yang with yang-based deficiency mainly.In t he book of "Internal Medicine",edited by Wu Yueqin,Liu Chunrong,Yao Yanmin and other editors(Traditional Chinese Medicine Press,2009),hypothyroidism is differe ntiated into 3 types:Yang deficiency of spleen and kidney,Yang deficiency of heart kidney and failure of Yang qi.Many other doctors have also identified hypothyroidism(including subclinical hypothyroidism,hypothyroidism heart disease,hypothyroidism edema)into Yang deficiency.?Syndrome differentiation for the hypothyroidism of Hashimoto's disease(as a main syndrome)There are 85 articles in this type of literature,of which 81 articles of the hypot hyroidism of Hashimoto's disease were identified as Yang deficiency(main syndrome),and 4 of those who have not been identified as Yang deficiency(main syndrome),and the former accounts for 95%of the total literature.?Syndrome differentiation for the hypothyroidism of Hashimoto's disease(as a secondary syndrome)There are 12 articles in this type of literature,of which 12 articles are the syndrome differentiation of hypothyroidism of hashimoto's disease,and 0 articles is included to no syndrome differentiation,and the former accounts for 100%of the total liter ature.2.3 When the gall disease is in the state of in the hypothyroidism and yang deficiency,Yang deficiency is an important pathogenesis of the symptoms of depression.3The elucidation of the "Yang Deficiency" pathogenesis of the depression symptom of the gall disease is similar to the theory of "Depression caused by Yang Deficiency" in the development of the theory of pathogenesis of depression syndrome.In the past,the understanding of the pathogenesis and syndromes of depression syndromes in traditional Chinese medicine was mainly based on liver qi stagnation.However,in recent years,the theory of" Depression caused by Yang Deficiency" has gradually been paid attention to and accepted,and achieved certain results in clinical application.This topic elucidates the pathogenesis of "Yang Deficiency" of depressive symptoms in patients with gall disease hypothyroidism,which is similar to this trend.3.1 The traditional pathogenesis of depression syndrome is mainly liver depressionIn the textbook of "Internal Medicine"(Shanghai Science and Technology Press,1979)edited by Shanghai Chinese Medical College and the national standard "Diagno sis and Efficacy Criteria for TCM Syndromes"(ZY/T001.1?001.9-94),syndrome differentiation of "Depression Syndrome" put the symptom of "Stagnation of Liver Qi"first and there was no "Yang Deficiency" syndrome.Many doctors pointed out that the understanding of pathogenesis of depression syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine is mainly based on liver qi stagnation.)3.2 In recent years,"Depression caused by Yang Deficiency" and "Warming Yang to Relieve Depression" have become an important development of pathogenesis and treatment of depression syndrome.In recent years,many doctors such as Bao Zuxiao and Yue Guangxin,have disc ussed the viewpoint of " Depression caused by Yang Deficiency".3.3 This topic elucidates the pathogenesis of "Yang Deficiency" of the symptoms of gall disease(Hypothyroidism Type),which is similar to the theory of "Depression caused by Yang Deficiency" in the development of the pathogenesis theory of depression syndrome.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gall Disease, Hypothyroidism, Depressive Symptoms, Yang Deficiency, Pathogenesis
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