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Research On The Function Of "Liu-chu" During The Pre-Qin Period In Chinese Northern

Posted on:2020-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2393330596472702Subject:History of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
“Liu-chu” are one of the important fields in agricultural history,and as of the 1990 s,more and more their findings had been formed.However,a large number of new materials and ideas sprang up with the flourishing of animal archaeology.On the one hand,it is necessary to supply and reflect in agricultural history.On the other hand,their findings in agricultural history may provide an academic perspective for animal archaeology.Based on the above judgment,this study selected the “Liu-chu” in the pre-Qin period of northern China as the specific research object,in order to analyse the function of “Liu-chu” and their evolution trend and law.Combing the ancient Chinese literature,from beast to livestock has gone through a long historical process.Before “Liu-chu” were shaped,there were many thoughts to animals,which revealed the relationship between ancient ancestors and animals.“Liu-chu”,made up of horses,cattle,sheep,pigs dogs and chickens,are the ultimate choice of the ancestors,and is closely related to the life of the ancient ancestors.Macroscopic examination of the ancient literature on thefunction of “Liu-chu”,with Yang Shen on the function of “Liu-chu” are most incisive exposition.Therefore,the function of “Liu-chu” can be summed up as "hides and meat","draft and burden" and "enjoyment" in the specific context of Chinese history.As the basic theoretical basis,this paper probes into the function of "Liu-chu" in the pre-Qin period of northern China.There are specific opinions:“Liu-chu” were breed the source of food and clothing for the people.The ancestors of the northern part of China had paid full attention to their function such as meat,clothing.Since the late Neolithic era,the ancestors of the Zhong-yuan and the northern Zone have strengthened the body function of "six animals" to varying degrees.The difference is that the former used "Liu-chu" widely in the field of sacrifice and burial sacrifice,and "Liu-chu" not only provided the body function for the living,but also were used to provide the body function for the dead and the gods,while the latter is gradually adjusting the career mode under the dual drive of environmental evolution and the introduction of horses,cattle and sheep.used to provide their own meat resources.Thus,"Liu-chu" as their own material resources can breed the source of people's food and clothing.Most of domestic animals could be draft and burden.Since the late Neolithic era,or even earlier,the ancestors have been paying attention to service function of “Liu-chu”.Dogs and chickens were first used in the field of life,to caretaker,to rooster.And cattle and horse were also used earlier in the field of transportation.Since the Late-Shang period,people have basically recognized that six domestic animals out of four,chicken,dog,cattle and Horses,were widely used in the service function.Since Shang,in Zhong-yuan Plains,horses had gradually become the great use of the military,in another word,the horses had great role in the war.In the northern belt,dogs and horses had gradually become an important tool for people's nomadic hunting,communication and external crusade,work kings basically supported the production and life picture of the nomadic society in the north.And cattle gradually become the animal husbandry,in another word,the cattle are important for agricultural production.The horses and the cattle gradually evolved into the Zhong-yuan Plains Society to develop and produce internally,strengthen the external defense against the important resources.Both the Zhong-yuan Plains and the northern belt have promoted the development and evolution of the early human society.Thus,“Liu-chu” maybe to help the development of the social development.To a certain extent,“Liu-chu” could also provide enjoyment needs.Since entering the era of civilization,“Liu-chu” had gradually entered the spiritual field of the ancestors in the northern part of China.The nobles,with their competitive games,cockfighting,lackeys and horse racing,became their main entertainment projects,and gradually promoted to the civilian class.And Horse riding enjoy the joy of garden,has also been an important recreational activities of the princes and nobles.As a result,it can be described "Liu-chu" also satisfied spiritual needs.Throughout the pre-Qin period,"Liu-chu" in the northern Chin had various functions.While the function of "hides and meat" were the earliest development,and the function of "draft and burden" successively produced,finally the function of "enjoyment" eventually formed.The gradual development of the three functions of "Liu-chu" were basically synchronized with the historical evolution of human society from barbarism to civilization.Thus,it revealed the close relationship between domestic animals and human beings,and also revealed the role of them in promoting the development of human society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Northern China, hides and meat, draft and burden, enjoyment
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