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An Analysis Of Gwadar Port's Potential And Significance For Regional Economic Development

Posted on:2021-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Hussain AliFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330623977934Subject:International relations
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Sea routes and ports are playing a key role in economic assistance and development of the state's economies.The Gwadar port is a very import deep seaport because it is located in an immense trafficking belt where billion barrels of the crude oil,takes place every day and around 70 percent of the world's oil exchange passes.It connects China,Middle East,Africa,Central Asia,South Asia and other surrounding regions.This port is very significant for uplifting regional trade as well as other related economic activities for development.Due to locational importance of the harbor it is not only helpful to Pakistan and China but also for the whole region.This thesis has been divided into five chapters.Chapter one deal with the overview part of the research,its aims,theoretic framework and organization of the study.Gwadar port is providing for strengthening the indigenous economy of Pakistan as well as inter-regional connectivity in term of trade and in other economic activities.It is making strengthen trade,strengthen economic activities,and reduce cost and time of national as well as interregional trade and creating huge opportunities of creating credit both at local level and on regional level.Chapter two comprised of historical background of Gwadar port,Gwadar city and administrative set up including the geography and economy of Gwadar district.Furthermore,it is focuses on the historical development of Gwadar port from ignorance period to up to date.When Pakistan got independence,the Gwadar area were remained with Oman.The government of Pakistan had started struggle to include Gwadar in his own domain.The point raised by Haji Muhammad Iqbal Baloch with the Prime Minister of Pakistan Khan Liaqat Ali khan.They argued that Gwadar must become the part of Pakistan.The Government of Pakistan has agreed to an agreement with Port of Singapore Authority(PSA)on sixth February 2007.On February 2013 Pakistan granted an agreement for development and operation to China Company.According to contract detail the port would be remaining the property of Pakistan however would be operated by Chinese firm,“China overseas port holding company”.Chapter three deals with the economic potential of Gwadar port for local people,which is expected that it brings revolution in the standard life of the local people in all sectors,national level what kinds opportunities brings by Gwadar for central government.Further put light on the seaborne trends of Pakistan and what kind of role will play for seaborne trade and in shipping industry of Pakistan.The third part of the chapter focus on regional level.China is busy to construct Gwadar for her trade and central Asian states also taking interest in this project.It is similarly significant for South Asia,Central Asia,Middle East,South East Asia and Indian Ocean.Apart from this,Gwadar is linked by road through Afghanistan which is the shortest route to Central Asian countries.This rout is helping Afghanistan and landlocked countries of Central Asia to get easily access to deep sea water.Gwadar can play a great role in regional stability by linking the trade system among the regional states.As Central Asian countries possess billions of barrel oil and thousand cubic feet gas.Due to geographical location Gwadar can facilitate Central Asian Republics to exports its oil and gas to the other regions of the world.It will create dependency in terms of trade so all states should need to cooperate with each other.Gwadar is not only beneficial for the people of Pakistan but the whole region would be benefited from the port.Gwadar will generate millions of jobs opportunities and Pakistan will earn millions of dollars due to Gwadar port.Gwadar could be helpful not only for modernizing the Baloch society but also for their better living standards.Due to strategically location of Gwadar it will assist Pakistani importance in the region.Chapter four deals with Challenges to Gwadar port.It has both internal and external challenges.In the Baluchistan region law and order situation is worsen day by day.During Musharraf regime Government has announced number of development project and started manipulation of resources without inform Baloch residence in the year of 2000.Baloch locals totally oppose it with commenting that government is draining the resources of the province and organizing Non-Baloch state of independent for her own interest.It is believing that Gwadar port will face tough competition from other regional ports especially Chabahar port in Iran.Iran is trying to provide shortest route to central Asia and will use Chabahar port for Central Asian states for their trade.After that the fifth Chapter draw a conclusion and presented some recommendations in the light of results and discussion.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gwadar Port, Pakistan, China, Economy
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