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The Environment Is Like The Outside

Posted on:2021-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q GuoFull Text:PDF
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The economic prosperity and technological thriving have seen the most rural constructions advancing from subsistence to dignity in China.Based on human perception,the paper is oriented to the continuation of local landscape culture,the awakening of "local consciousness" and the visual requirement of light and shadow art in the rural environment.This paper studies the visual perception of light and shadow landscape in the natural rural environment by taking light and shadow as the basis,the countryside as the scenario,the landscape as the presentation,and the human as the research object.In view of the local landscape,how to embody its cultural characteristics,styles,folk customs and ecological features and form a sustainable design strategy are realistic issues to be addressed.The harmony between human and environment lays solid foundation for the survival and development of local landscape,as well as the restructured relation between environment and human.The modern light technology is utilized to express and combine traditional Chinese naturalistic humanism.By comparing the "real image" and "virtual image" of local landscape under light with the philosophy of "virtual and real" of Chinese Taoism,the paper logically forms the local landscape design of "environment produces images,and virtuality entwines reality".The social,aesthetic and educational value of the landscape are presented in the dialectical relationship of "virtuality and reality" interwoven with light and shadow.The paper is divided into six chapters,of which the third and fourth chapters are the main body.The first chapter,the introduction,mainly involves the research background concerning the current development of the local landscape brought by the aesthetic evolution.It defines the research purpose,significance,content and scope of local light and shadow landscape,and sorts out the literature review at home and abroad.At the end of the introduction,it analyzes the key and difficult points of the research and discusses the innovation and necessity,providing the basis and goal for thesubsequent demonstration.The second chapter analyzes and defines the basic concepts of light and shadow and local landscape.Through the research on narrative design of light and shadow landscape in rural environment,the dialectical design logic of "environment produces images,and virtuality entwines reality" is demonstrated,providing principles and requirements for the next chapter.The third chapter discusses the application of light and shadow in landscape shaping.Through narrative expression of landscape phenomena caused by different factors such as color,illuminance and shape under limited site conditions,this paper fully illustrates how natural and artificial light sources can produce more effects in local landscape design,and emphasizes the psychological influence.The fourth chapter mainly elaborates the design theory and practice.From the perspective of sight distance,this paper analyzes the characteristics of the landscape and view formed after light intervention in the site,and describes the features of its functionality and viewing,subjectivity,narrative,realism and freehand brushwork respectively.And by going through the characteristics of landscape light and shadow between rural and urban areas,it describes a differentiated visual perception on landscape remodeling.This depiction of the landscape and psychological indication from light and shadow feature is the focus of the research.The fifth chapter is the conclusion and prospect,summarizing the research results and heading towards to the future development in this field.
Keywords/Search Tags:local, light and shadow, landscape, narrative
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