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Research On Transformation Of Road Transport Administrative Functions In Tangshan

Posted on:2021-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330614955485Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tangshan is located in the eastern part of Hebei Province and the northern part of the North China Plain.It is the throat and transportation hub of the entire North China and Northeast corridor.Tangshan road transportation administrative department has played a huge role in the transportation system of Tangshan and even Hebei,and the results achieved in recent years are extremely noticeable.However,with the continuous advancement of major ministerial reforms and the urgency of the construction of a service-oriented government since the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the current administrative functions of road transportation in Tangshan have lagged behind the beautiful needs of the people.In order to respond to the macro layout of the construction of a national service-oriented government,it is urgent to transform and reform the administrative functions of road transportation in Tangshan.Through literature research and statistical analysis of the data,the highway mileage,infrastructure,and main structure of transportation in Tangshan are analyzed,and a series of policies,reports,regulations,and opinions issued by Tangshan,Hebei Province,and the central government are analyzed.This article summarizes the transformation process of Tangshan's road transportation administrative functions,and summarizes the status quo of the transformation of Tangshan's road transportation administrative functions through functional methods,functional contents and organizational structure.Through the use of interview and survey questionnaires,the research found that Tangshan's road transport administrative functions changed significantly.However,the control policies are not specific enough,and the control measures are not in place;the content of access needs to be simplified,and the objects of access management are treated differently;the scope of supervision is too concentrated;the method of supervision is single;the lack of service awareness;Such problems still exist and are not conducive to the development of the road transport industry in Tangshan.There are four ways to solve the above problems: deepening the content of policies,standardizing the formulation of plans,and strengthening control measures;enriching access management methods and reducing the content of administrative approvals,improving the linkage mechanism,accurately approving functions,and implementing standards by level and level.Entry management;administration in accordance with the law,perfecting the supervision system,and perfecting the punishment mechanism;fostering the concept of marketization of public services and fostering diversified market competition subjects.Figure 13;Table 6;Reference 69...
Keywords/Search Tags:service government, administration management, functional transformation, transportation
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