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Research On Optimization For Multiple Change Propagation Paths Based On Component Network

Posted on:2021-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330614469681Subject:Mechanical engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The change of a component will cause a series of changes to others in the process of design change,because of the complex correlations between components,resulting in the change propagation.Multiple design change requirements often occur simultaneously during product development.However,the present methods lack the consideration of the correlation of components in solving the optimal propagation path,which causes difficulty in obtaining the optimal solution of the global change propagation paths.Based on the above,this paper studied the multi-source design change propagation paths parallel search method,including component association relationship and association strength,project risk assessment,multi-source change hierarchical propagation path characteristics,and multi-source change constraint propagation characteristics.The research methods and results are as follows:(1)The component network model and key parameters of complex product were studied.By analyzing the association relationship of product components,and distinguishing the characteristics of different association relationships of components,component association relationship was divided into subordination association relationship and constraint association relationship.Association strength algorithm was proposed based on concept of attribute expression and attribute constraint,which were from association information of component key attributes.Components information and association relationship information were mapped to a complex network to build a product components network model.(2)Risk assessment method of change projects was studied.A change propagation risk assessment method was proposed from multiple network characteristics in the component network,which based on mutual interferences between multi-source change propagation paths.Two indexes of relative distance and relevance were proposed,which combined into a divorce index,by analyzing the relevance influence of multiple changed components on the propagation paths.Difference in the influence of components change dissemination in the component network was analyzed,and the main factors causing this difference was pointed out.The Leader Rank algorithm was improved and the WSLR algorithm was proposed by defining node change propagation ability as the importance.The above-mentioned multiple indexes constitute the change risk index,which serves as an important basis for evaluating the change projects.(3)The parallel search model of multi-source change propagation path was studied.From the perspective of multi-source change propagation paths interference,the deconstructed multi-source altered propagation path was divided into three basic propagation forms,and the interference characteristics of the heterogeneous sources propagation path were analyzed,and the propagation influence calculation model of the three types of propagation forms was established.Based on the basic propagation form and influence calculation model,a multi-source change propagation paths parallel search model was proposed,which was composed of a downlink change propagation paths search algorithm and a parallel change propagation paths search algorithm.(4)A bridge crane design change was taken as an example.A bridge crane component network was built,and a multi-source change propagation path was solved to verify the effectiveness of the multi-source change propagation paths parallel search model.
Keywords/Search Tags:multiple change, component network, change propagation paths
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