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Research On Methods Of Getting Rid Of The Delisting Risk Warnings And Going-Concern Development Of China Shipping Co.,Ltd.

Posted on:2021-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S W MaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of capital market,It is not uncommon for listed companies to be specially treated by the CSRC from the stock market due to improper management and external risks.In the process,most of the companies that have been warned about the risk of delisting have focused on removing their ST caps as soon as possible,but cases of ST companies removing their ST hats and then wearing again are becoming more common.Therefore,the success of taking off the ST hat should not be the ultimate goal of ST companies,Only by improving the going-concern ability can the company truly achieve long-term development.Therefore,it has become a problem worth studying to think about how ST companies can improve its sustainable management ability by getting rid of the delisting risk warnings.Based on the principal-agent theory,stakeholder theory,and going-concern three factors model theory,using the method of case study method,literature research,with the examples of China Shipping Co.,Ltd.,This paper sorts out the reasons for China Shipping Co.,Ltd being ST,methods of getting rid of the delisting risk warnings,the impact of getting rid of the delisting risk warnings path on sustainability,and the behavior of improving going-concern after getting rid of the delisting risk warnings.Put forward Suggestions for ST enterprises and external environment.Based on the systematic analysis of the removing ST caps path of China Shipping Co.,Ltd,the influence of removing ST caps path on the going-concern ability operation of enterprises is studied by using the three-factor model.The results show that,to a certain extent,a large number of assets impairment provisions,stripping loss-making assets,debt-equity conversion and other methods help enterprises to turn losses into profits,and improve the financial quality,management quality and governance efficiency.After taking off the ST cap,China Shipping Co.,Ltd further improved their going-concern ability through the positive feedback from market investors and their own strategic restructuring.Therefore,from the perspective of improving self-generating capacity and external constraints,this paper propo ses Suggestions on ST enterprises and external regulatory environment in the path of getting rid of the delisting risk warnings,and hopes that in the future,China's ST companies can learn from it when they choose a reasonable way to remove delisting risk warnings and strengthen the going-concern ability of enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:ST Companies, Methods of Getting Rid of the Delisting Risk Warnings, Going-Concern Development
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