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Research On Balcony Greening Landscape Design Of The New Area Between Guiyang And Anshun Built By CRCC

Posted on:2020-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330605466738Subject:Landscape architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the pace of urbanization accelerated,people's living standards is improving,wh ile the ecological environment is being seriously damaged.The increase of buildings m akes the fragmentation of green space and the urban heat island effect get worse.As pe ople pay increasingly attention to environmental sustainable development,the desire to i mprove the living environment becomes more and more urgent,which makes the fourth generation housing came into being.Balcony greening is an important part of the fourt h generation housing,which is an important meansnot to solve the problems of high ene rgy consumption and "birdcage" room in traditional buildings and to improve the urban environment.It's not only a new direction of the construction and greening development in the future,but also a new hope of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.T herefore,the balcony greening becomes one of the research directions concerned by lan dscape designers.The research focus of this paper is the landscape design of the building balcony.The purpose of this study is to use balcony greening to increase the amount of green,improve the comfort of the building,build sponge cities and improve ecological envi ronment etc.Through the study of excellent greening projects at home and abroad,the author can summarize and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the projects,an d learn their landscape construction techniques,construction methods and plant applicati on methods.It is also an important link to find problems and try to solve them.Throu gh the study,the author pointed out that the plant community can be introduced into t he building balcony to give full play to their ecological function.Lighten the load on t he basis of ensuring the growth conditions of plants.This study in order to form a co mplete system.,optimize the landscape effect and form a fantastic interactive space.Secondly,the scope of this study is defined.The author studies the relevant theori es and optimizes the structure of garden engineering.Through location analysis,environmental analysis,resource analysis,load analysis and site analysis,the author can fully understand the current situation of Guian Mountain language City project before the de sign.The landscape design of the balcony greening is based on the above researchs and investigations,which contains the design of the landscape engineering,the landscape design of the balcony greening and the design of the landscape engineering system.It applies the concepts of sponge city and plant ecology,environmental psychology and so on.The landscape engineering is designed to meet the requirement of the plant growing to the thickness of the substrate,and solve the problem that plant landscape is out of sight and difficult to form landscape picture by reducing the structural elevation of the floor by 600 mm.That can also reduce the load.The balcony is distributed around 270 °of the building,which can meet the light and space needs of plant growing.Landscape design divided balcony into active area,rest area,view area and other functional areas,which is based on previous analysis,household type and residential demands.The design also includes the determination of the planting position of the megaphanerophyte and the formation of the plant community.The author uses lightweight materials,ultra-lightweight matrix and other high quality materials to reduce the load to ensure the building performance and plant growth environment,and to create a beautiful,comfortable and practical living environment for the occupants.Landscape engineering system design forms safety system and water supply and drainage system.The safety system ensures the safety of plants and the environment.While the water supply and drainage system provides the nutrients needed for the growth of plants,it combines with vegetation to achieve the function of "infiltration,storage,stagnation,purification,use and discharge".With the vigorous development of balcony greening,it is hoped that the research will provide reference for the construction and landscape design of building balcony greening in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:balcony greening, engineering structure, landscape construction, The New Area between Guiyang and Anshun
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