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Study On The Reconstruction Of Wuhu Port In The Early Days Of The Founding Of The People's Republic Of China

Posted on:2020-09-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N NiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330575963770Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a window for Anhui Province to the world,Wuhu Port has made great contributions to Anhui's economic development.However,its development process is not smooth sailing,especially since modern times,Wuhu Port has been struggling in the environment of internal and external troubles.In this paper,the reconstruction of Wuhu Port in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China is taken as the research object.Through the exploration of the tortuous development of Wuhu Port,the democratization transformation of Wuhu Port in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic,and the modernization transformation of Wuhu Port in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China,Reappearing the original appearance of the reform of Wuhu PortThe first part is about the tortuous development of Wuhu Port.This part mainly describes three aspects.Firstly,it describes the geographical location,brief history and the status and role of Wuhu Port,It also specifically disc usses the important role played by Wuhu Port in the development of the Wuhu rice market.Secondly,it describes the management and control of Wuhu Port by foreign powers since modern times,especially the tragic fate of Wuhu Customs and small ship industry after Wuhu Port was forced to open.Thirdly,describes the reception and management of the Wuhu Port by the National Government after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.Although the port and shipping business of Wuhu Port has been restored and developed in a period of time,it still stagnated and even destroyed because of the civil war launched by the Kuomintang.The development of Wuhu Port has experienced the management and control of foreign powers,the recovery and destruction of the Kuomintang government,and finally ushered in real development under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.The second part is about the democratization of Wuhu Port in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.This part describes the democratization reform of Wuhu Port and it returns to the hands of the people.Under the leadership of the Communist Party,Wuhu Port ushered in complete liberation,gradually realizing nationalization and returning to the hands of the people.After the democratization reform,the feudal control system in Wuhu Port was thoroughly eliminated.Wuhu Port began to develop workers' welfare undertakings,and the professional skills and living standards of port workers steadily improved.The third part is about the modernization of Wuhu Port in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.This part mainly describes the modernization of port facilities and port production and management.During the "Five-Year Plan" period,Wuhu Port has built a professional Yu xi kou Mechanized Coal Terminal,which has greatly improved port facilities,production a nd management.In the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China,Wuhu Port has undergone modernization and democratization.The construction of port and shipping infrastructure has been significantly improved,and the professional skills and living standards of port workers have been greatly improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:the early days of the founding of the People's Republic, Wuhu Port, reconstruction, modernization, democratization
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