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The Application Of "Personas" In The Functional Design Of Scene System

Posted on:2020-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M LiuFull Text:PDF
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With the development of society and the Advancement of science and technology,people's design needs are more diverse and personalized.The design has not been limited to the function of a certain item,and it is more likely to meet people's emotional needs.The rise of interactive design,intelligent design,digitization,informatization,etc.,also created new possibilities for people.The design of products,processes,services,scenes,etc.presents a holistic and systematic feature.In the design process,more and more users need to participate in it.The"character role method"is called the"Stanislavsky's experiential performance method"in interactive design.It attaches great importance to user experience and uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to study the user's life.Form and demand information,At the same time,it can integrate the current design trend,combine the frontier advantages of other disciplines,and carry out in-depth design thinking,which can better solve people's problems in real life.I have studied driving at the school training yard in Yingshan,and I have first-hand experience of the learning process,the training mode,and the surrounding environmental facilities.The training yard itself is a functional combination.Due to the long time,many facilities in the venue are aging,and the work flow of coaches and trainees also requires further design optimization.In addition,coaches,trainees,managers, the training yard have their own roles,their age,occupation,educational level,etc.,and they are typical and representative.This article takes the transformation of the training yard of Yingshan Driving School as an example,applies the experience of the "character character method" to practice,and analyzes the actual problems existing in the character behavior and scene space in the training yard.To study the application of "personas" in the functional design of scene system.In the introduction part,the author summarizes the background and general situation of the research on character characters,and puts forward that the article should solve the problem and introduce the contents,methods and innovation points of the research.The paper points out that the character law attaches importance to the study of "relationship between human and system",advocates the systematic and holistic nature of design research,and puts forward a new concept of "design".The first chapter,from the user-centered design research as the starting point,focuses on the generation of characters,analyzes the relevant characteristics of the target characters,and combines the practice of the parking lot to generate the primary characters needed in this article.The second chapter focuses on the writing of scene scripts,integrating character characters into the system of scene scripts,analyzing the relationship between character behaviors and scene scripts,and exploring concepts such as life form,image Kanban,mood Kanban,and design thinking.The preliminary analysis answers the questions raised in this paper.The third chapter,based on the previous two chapters,analyzes the solution of the actual problems of character characters in the semi-private space design,congestion problem solving and noise removal of the training yard according to the needs of the character's goals.The application of personas in scene system can play the role of"adaptor" and "physical examination instrument".The fourth chapter further analyzes the characteristics of the character law,combining the character law with the current popular design trend of thought,and analyzes the"regional and contemporary","humanistic and scientific”character law.Finally,the iterative application of character method in system function design is forecasted.The application of the character method to the development of scene system functions resonates between designers and users,and can efficiently determine the priority of functional design and development,improve the design efficiency,and better meet user needs.In the next application,it is necessary to constantly think and summarize in order to master the key and characteristics of the character role method and play its role as a design decision-making tool for the "physical examination instrument" and"adapter".
Keywords/Search Tags:persona, user, scenario script, interactivity
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