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The Influence Of Buddhist Culture On The Place Of Meditation

Posted on:2019-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330563985846Subject:Landscape Architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Meditation can promote social harmony,reduce anxiety,relieve stress and promote mental health.However,such activities need special space support,the master can practice in the noisy street,but the ordinary people do not have the force of the master,it is difficult to "calm the land",more people need a place suitable for meditation.Buddhism came into being from India for a long time with Chinese culture,and Buddhism culture and traditional Chinese culture penetrated and influenced each other.Most of the places of meditation are influenced by religious buildings,and there is a part of the meditation field,so the form of tourism is independent,but the overall design style is similar to the religious architectural style.Nowadays,there are more and more people who need more Zen.The Buddhist meditation sites in the temple can hardly accommodate large numbers of people.It is unavoidable to involve the renovation and expansion of the original practice places in the Millennium ancient temples.During the period of meditation,in addition to the need for a relatively quiet and comfortable environment,it is also convenient for the practitioners to provide food and medical assistance.This has certain requirements for site selection and design of meditation sites.This article starts with the interior design of the meditation place and the arrangement of the outdoor landscape plants.Through the visits to the existing meditation practice places,such as the Donglin Temple in Jiangxi,the Donglin net garden,the Guangzhou Grand Buddha Temple,the light filial temple,the six banyan temple,and the field visit and study of the Zen Buddhist temple in Wuxi,and the reading and sorting out the literature According to the relevant knowledge of this major,the construction situation is analyzed and evaluated,and the basic design principles and common plant configuration of the meditation place are summarized and summed up,so as to provide a reference design for the design and construction of the room and outer space of the meditation.The location of Buddhist meditation sites is not fixed.Some of the places chosen for meditation are far away from the earth and go deep into the mountains and forests.Also in the suburb of the city,the scenery is better.Some will also be located in the busiest section of busy streets,and take a pure land for self-cultivation.The design of meditation places should meet the needs of meditation activities,and professional meditation places need quiet atmosphere.In addition to consciously observing the discipline of meditation,we must ensure the relative closeness of the interior space of meditation and avoid the interruption of outsiders.Interior decoration design function also embodies the "people-oriented" design principle,to consider good ventilation,but not large airflow.Set up thermal or thermal insulation facilities according to the climate.The decoration style should be simple,natural,quiet and simple,focusing on the atmosphere of Zen.It enables people who enter this space to gradually calm down their distracted mind and play the role of receiving the heart and leaving the territory.The plant arrangement in Buddhist meditation sites is derived from Buddhist classics and story legends.Some plants will also choose other native plants because of their climate and environment.Therefore,in the design of the meditation place,in addition to the principles of applicability and beauty,plant allocation should also consider the relationship between plant and religious culture,the relevance of plant and architecture and regional culture,and the adaptability of plants to the growth environment.To relax the leisure tourism health care place,to choose the beautiful scenery of fresh air,far away from the noisy city,travel by means of convenient access to the place.Besides setting up daily life and studying space,we should also set up communication space and appropriate entertainment space.For example,tea houses,Zen Music Hall,video studio,library,vegetarian restaurant and so on to meet people's needs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interior design, Temple Landscape, meditation, place, building
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