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Study On Spatial Patterns Of Traditional Villages In Dongshan And Xishan

Posted on:2018-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y BaiFull Text:PDF
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Traditional villages are bearing the weight of the history and culture of the Chinese civilization for thousands of years.They are the roots of the survival of traditional fishing and hunting farming culture.They are the foundation of modern civilization and the memories of the hometown and countryside.With revival of traditional culture,settlements,ancestral halls and ancient houses of traditional ancient villages are gradually paid attention to because of ruins of them during the rapid development of urbanization.Protection,Activation and Update became the new development opportunity to the culture heritage of a great nation.Dongshan and Xishan of Suzhou city is located in the east coast of Taihu lake and are in the west part of Suzhou.Traditional villages of the places has a long history and is the cradle of "three mountain culture" in Wuzhong.With the wonderful landscape of lakes and mountains,the number of the traditional villages in Dongshan and Xishan is the largest in Jiangsu Province.With the he special natural environment and culture influence,the unique traditional village landscape has been formed.However,because of the improvement of living standards and the integration of modern urban civilization,lifestyle changes bring the change of the traditional villages in the region spatial structure fracture,resulting in the loss of traditional features and how to protect traditional villages and sustainable development is the focus of the current needs to solve problems.The purpose of this paper is to integrate the mode of village space and traditional residence in Dongshan an Xishan.On the basis of field investigation and regional culture,sort the traditional village space from global to local spatial elements and organizational relationships and analyze the solution of spatial organization model of causation and the connotation of the characteristic mechanism and transmission mechanism of innovation.This paper is divided into three of six chapters: the first part is the research on the basis of chapter 1 ~ 2.To define the scope of the research background,concept and discusses the significance,research method,research way and the value of the research significance and the innovation points;The second part is logos of chapter 3~ 4.Pay attention to investigation,focus on the reality and through the East to the West.On the basis of Chinese and foreign literature data research,mainly to analyze the folk culture,village space texture,combination relationship between the influencefactors in Dongshan and Xishan and fetch in the culture of local lakes and mountains and farming culture of fishing and hunting;From traditional model to explore the village landscape and residential space "Respect for nature,Transform the terrain,Clear hierarchy,Primary and secondary,Follow the ritual and Flexible layout" spatial pattern characteristics.The third part is applied research of chapter 5 ~ 6.From typical traditional villages of Dongshan and Xishan,compare the inquest the spatial patterns of function,value and draw lessons from the transmission of the practical significance and possible innovation of the traditional village protection,inheritance,innovation and development strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:traditional villages in Dongshan and Xishan, spatial patterns, culture of Wu, inheritance and development
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