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Pest Risk Analysis For The Imported SPF Lumber From Canada Discharged In The Port Of Taicang

Posted on:2018-07-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330575477096Subject:Agricultural Extension
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 2012Taicang Port has been the largest port for maritime imported timber,mainly including logs and lumber.In recent years,more than 85%lumber are SFP sheet from Canada,which is the most important category among imported timber in Taicang Port.SPF plates are made of four similar tree species,i.e.,white spruce,Engelmann spruce,twigs and alpine fir,these four trees have the greatest biomass among the commercial forest reserved in Canada.(1)In this study,the risk analysis on SFP sheet imported in Taicang Port from 2011 to 2015 were performed,as a result the risk is divided into five grades,and the corresponding management measures are suggested to deal with varied risk grades.Lumber with risk greater than 20%is on Extreme Level.Lumber with a risk between 10%and 20%is in High Level.Containers loaded lumber up to these two levels must be checked out on-site at a ratio of no less than 30%,with no less than 10%of total of lumber should be checked at same time;moreover,after the unpacking,the lumber should be checked once again.Lumber with a risk between 5%and 10%is on Moderate Level,up to this level,no less than 25%of containers should be checked.Lumber with a risk less between 1%and 5%is on Low Level,up to this level,no less than 20%of containers should be checked.Lumber with a risk less thanl%is in Extreme Low Level,up to this level,no less than 15%of containers should be checked.Follow-up supervision of lumber should be strengthened.All of the containers should be unpacked in the given area.A black&white list will be generated based on the inspection results,and accordingly,the check proportion of containers from those logistics enterprises will be increased,in order to ensure the biosecurity and quality safety.(2)In this study,the method for risk analysis was innovated based on the consideration of the quarantine status of intercepted pests,the situation in which they were intercepted alive or dead,and the frequency of pests being intercepted.The intercepted pests were divided into 4 categories,each category was assigned a numerical value,and were applied in the SPF sheet risk analysis.According to the innovated method,the index of risk factor can be calculated by the formula:RI=(living quarantine pest risk value + living on-quarantine pest risk value + dead quarantine pest risk value + dead body of non-quarantine pest risk value)/maximum risk value.The index of risk factor for SPF plate =(0.1403 + 0.2273 + 0.1842 + 0.1606)/34.848=0.0204,the result shows that SPF plate risk value is very low.(3)Based on the investigation on the pests of SPF sheets from Taicang Port,14 harmful pests out of 406 pests were selected for further risk analysis.As result,four quarantine pests,Dendroctonus pseudotsugae,Dendroctonus rufipennis,Platypus parallelus and Ips pini,are considered as pests with high risk;another four quarantine pests,Ips grandicollis,Ips latidens,Dendroctonus simplex,and Dendroctonus brevicomis are considered as pests with middle risk.Six pests are considered as pests with low risk,including Ips concinnus,Dendroctonus ponderosae,Arhopalus rusticus,Trypodendron lineatum,Hylastes ater and Hylurgops rugipennis,among them,Ips concinnus and Dendroctonus ponderosae are quarantine pests.
Keywords/Search Tags:SPF sheet, risk analysis, PRA, TaiCang
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