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Studies On Morphological Characters Of New And Old University Campus' Classroom Buildings In Jiangsu And Zhejiang Provices

Posted on:2019-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiuFull Text:PDF
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Classroom buildings are important components of a university campus,and they have both teaching facilities and cultural communication functions.Through the Morphological characteristics of the classroom buildings,the university unique cultures,including the history culture,the regional culture and the campus culture,can be intuitively disseminated.And it helps form university cultural atmosphere.However,various problems have been exposed during the constructions of new campus classroom buildings.Objectively speaking,campus space fragmentation makes it difficult to inherit university unique cultures.Subjectively,decision makers' and designers' negligence of university culture makes the appearance of classroom buildings being plagiarized,copied and fashioned.These two aspects together lead to the loss of years of precipitation of the cultural heritage,which virtually causes that the universities' competitiveness has diminished and it negatively affects the development of the universities.At the same time,new campus classroom buildings from a few universities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces inherit and express the original unique cultures by linking the appearances of the old and new campuses.They have created a good campus cultural atmosphere in the new campuses and played an exemplary role.In this context,this article studies the morphological characteristics of old and new classroom buildings from universities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces and aims to find the methods of creating campus cultural atmosphere by linking the appearances of the old and new campuses to inherit and express the original unique cultures.Furthermore,it provides design ideas and design methods for the appearance of university classroom buildings.First,from three significant aspects of the cultural characteristics of a university:the history culture,the regional culture and the campus culture,the article concludes the unique cultural factors which affect the morphological characteristics of classroom buildings in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces through the summary,comparison and analysis of literature and sample surveys.The factors mainly include: historical and cultural aspect which includes university historical context,traditional atmosphere and space spirit;Regional culture aspect which includes local natural environments and local culture;Disciplinary culture aspect which includes the special characteristics of unique subjects in a university.Secondly,by applying the method of demonstration by examples,it summarizes and concludes the association rules of classroom buildings in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces through the analysis of specific cases.These association rules include: in historical and cultural aspects,mainly reflect on architectural volume,building space,scale,material color and construction symbols;in regional culture aspect,mainly on spatial composition,architectural dimensions,interface features,architectural colors and decorative constructions,etc.;in disciplinary culture aspect,mainly on spatial form,construction symbols,architectural colors and building materials,etc.Based on these aspects,this article targetedly proposes designing ideas and methods for classroom buildings in new campuses: One should get to know the university historical context,control traditional atmosphere and get inspired by university space spirit,and furtherly design based on the architectural volume,scale,material color and construction symbols to inherit and continue university historical culture;Starting from two points which are adaption to natural environment and inheriting regional culture,one can continue university's local culture by designing the classroom building's spatial composition,architectural dimensions,interface features,architectural colors and decorative constructions;One can express the university's disciplinary culture by digging the distinctive characteristics of university's different subjects to design the buildings though spatial form,construction symbols,architectural colors and building materials.This article summarizes the methods of continuing the university's historical culture,regional culture and disciplinary culture in new campuses through the relevinceof morphological characteristics of classroom buildings from universities in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.Based on this,it proposes the design ideas and methods for new campus classroom buildings.It aims to help with enriching and improving the design theory of university classroom buildings,continuing the university's distinctive culture in new campus,and creating a good campus culture atmosphere.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provices, New and old university campus, Classroom buildings, Morphological characteristics
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