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Study On The Application Of Rattanin Garden Landscape Design

Posted on:2018-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F S JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330518478067Subject:Landscape architecture study
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous growth of the national economy level,people's quality requ-irements for living space are also improved,people not only pay attention to green design and beautiful nature landscape,but also pay attention to the comfort of living space and ecology.In recent years,the garden industry has been developing rapidly,bu-t at the same time there are also some problems,such as the whole space division unreasonable reduced the quality of garden landscape;excessive pursuit of scale and create the effect of visual neglect the basic requirements of users' mental and exces-sive use of wooden garden landscape materials,which lead to the problem of globa-l shortage of timber resources.In order to let people live in a green,comfortable an-d natural environment,and can effectively alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of wooden landscape materials market,it will be an important research direction of landscape design in the future to seek new type of natural and environ-mental protection hard landscape material.The rattan with its fresh and natural color,rapid growth,evergreen shade and ten-sile strength advantages,not only has good ornamental effect in outdoor road greeni-ngand vertical wall greening,but also has attracted more and more attention in the furniture market,and become an important forest products after wood and bamboo material.At present in the indoor and outdoor environment design,rattan is mainly us ed as soft landscape materials in vertical wall greening,garden greening and potted ornamental garden etc.,but few scholars from the perspective of hard landscape materials such as furniture material for its planning and design.In this paper,take rattan material as the research object,based on the study of wood properties and garden la-ndscape design,explore the feasibility of using them as soft and hard landscape ma-terials to garden landscape space.The results are as follows:(1)This paper in-depth study on characteristics of rattan cane from the color,tex-ture,skin texture and knitting process of four aspects.The results show that rattan is a kind of green material in addition to natural ecology has been well known,but also has the appearance of fresh and natural color,bump texture,various knitted and art through different processing techniques,such as binding,tying.All kinds of rattan materials form a certain structure,organization and structure form to match and com-bine with each other.Finally,they form the unity of visual function and give people pleasant visual feeling.(2)The tests found that,by adopting certain high temperature heat treatment mod-ification technology,the decorative effect of palm rattan surface color can be enrich-ed and the diversity of rattan rattan outdoor facilities products can be achieved.With the increase of heat treatment temperature,the surface color of rattan and inter-nal chemical composition changes,which shows the modified heat treatment technology can not only achieve the purpose of a variety of rattan product color surface,but also can effectively reduce the content of sugar cane inside,improve material defects of its own,such as mildew.(3)The elements of the garden landscape is divided into four parts(road pavem-ent,rocks,water,plant landscaping,building facilities),according to its unique field and spatial extension characteristics,summed up the rattan cane application to the metho-d of garden landscape space and the principle of application,in order to provide a theoretical basis for the actual project related to after.(4)The garden project has a certain landscape effect not only shows the rattan as the landscape effect of soft and hard landscape material in garden landscape,but also through the design and outdoor garden landscape style consistent indoor space to show the garden with the space extension and characteristics of rattan cane in different space in the environment.On the basis of the indoor temperature and humi-dity test three aspects of regulation,acoustic effects,indoor light environment that rat-tan cane can indeed bring benefits for the ecological environmental protection and environmental space,effective instruction if rattan used in indoor and outdoor space environment landscape as more materials and decorative materials to modern people's physicaland mental health to create a quiet and comfortable space atmosphere.Based on the above research results,suggest that the rattan can break through the past only from the perspective of soft landscape materials to decorate the garden landscape,innovative as facilities such as the hard landscape material applied to garden landscape space construction.It can not only through the simulation of natura-l ecological environment to meet the demand of modern people for green living space low carbon,the scope of application but also to a certain extent expand ratta-nin the market,increase the added value.
Keywords/Search Tags:rattan, garden landscape design, application research
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