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Application And Research Of Materials In Contemporary Jewelry Design

Posted on:2021-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N YuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since ancient times,jewelry art has been used as a symbol of people's wealth and status.With the development and progress of The Times and society,the use of materials in contemporary jewelry design has undergone a qualitative change compared with the traditional times.More materials enter the field that jewelry designers choose to create,breaking through the difference of aesthetic feeling and touch brought by traditional fixed materials.In addition to the traditional sense of fixed precious metals,jewelry materials,modern jewelry materials have had a greater expansion,the emergence of more comprehensive materials.This not only enables designers to have more creative ways of expression,but also endows contemporary jewelry art with more humanistic value.Jewelry art is no longer just a simple ornament,but also an expression of people's pursuit of personality and emotion.This paper explores more possibilities in contemporary jewelry art through the analysis of the performance,classification and application of materials in jewelry art creation,as well as the value embodiment of diversification in the application of comprehensive materials.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contemporary jewelry design, Composite materials, Traditional materials, value, innovation
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