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A Study On The Lifelong Accountability System Of Local Governments For Ecological And Environmental Damage

Posted on:2021-02-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M MengFull Text:PDF
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The ecological environment problem is one of the most important problems in China's current economic construction.On May 24 th,2013,Xi Jinping,general secretary of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on promote the building of ecological civilization sixth collective learning speech pointed out: "to establish aresponsibility system,mainly for the responsibility system of leading cadres,blind decision on ecological environment,thereby causing serious consequences,must be inve stigated for their responsibility,and should be a lifelong pursue." In the decision of the central committee of the communist party of China on some major issues concerning comprehensively deepening the reform adopted on November 12,2013,it further clearly proposed to establish a lifelong accountability system for ecological and environ mental damage.The decision of the fourth Plenary Session of the 19 th CPC Central Committee made the building of an ecological civilization system animportant part and integral part of the building of a socialist system with Chinese characteristics,and made important arrangements to ensure strict accountability and accountability when it comes to building a socialist system with Chinese characteristics,making the system a high-tension line with rigid constraints and untouchable constraints.The implementation of this system should start from the local govern ments at all levels.Some leading cadres violate the law of ecology when they are in of fice to develop the economy.The lifelong accountability system of local governments for ecological and environmental damage means that those who damage the ecosystem and cause the loss of environmental resources,especially the leading cadres who have the decision-making power,will be investigated for responsibility,and the period o f accountability is lifetime.This breaks the time limit of the term system and allows policy makers to pursue compensation,administrative and even criminal liability even after their term ends.Only by implementing the strictest accountability system can go vernment officials truly realize the importance of environmental protection,establish ecological awareness,adhere to the principle of giving priority to ecology,combine ecological interests with economic and social benefits in the process of promoting all-round social development.This paper mainly USES qualitative,comparative,literature analysis and other research methods to make a comprehensive analysis of the lifelong liability investigation system of local government for ecological environmental damage.Firstly,this paper systematically introduces the relevant concepts,theoretical basis and significance of the lifelong liability investigation system of local governments for ecological environ mental damage,and then comprehensively analyzes the development history and curr ent situation of the lifelong liability investigation system of local governments for ecological environmental damage.Next to several typical cases where the system now eisting problems and reasons are analyzed in depth,finally put forward to perfect the ecological environmental damage liability government countermeasures and Suggestions of lifelong person,integrated focus from the situation in our country from official consciousness,laws and regulations,supporting system,the scope of accountability,and optimize the path program as well as the supervision and administration of decomposition and discussed.
Keywords/Search Tags:ecological environment damage, ecological environment damage responsibility lifelong inquiry system, local government
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