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Research On Contemporary Applicability Of Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils Based On Affairology Theory

Posted on:2020-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J WangFull Text:PDF
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Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils are the most representative handicrafts in Yiyang.Craftsmen using raw bamboo as materials,based on bamboo properties and used 50-60 processes for the purposes of people's daily life needs and their own needs for livelihood,produced a variety of Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils in a creative way and formed a complete crafts system.Throughout the development of Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils,which has shown four stages: the stage of Emergence and Development,the stage of Prosperous,the stage of Declining and the stage of Struggling.The motivations for the development and evolution is that Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils are limited by many external factors,such as economic,politic,cultural,resource,consumption concepts,the concepts of living-making and ways of inheritance,and organized and innovated internal factors to adapt the external environment,such as materials,crafts,colors,forms,tools,decorations,management and functions etc.In the post-industrialization period,due to the incompatibility between internal factors and external factors,Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils are facing a situation of temporary shortage and struggling.The practicability,aesthetic and cultural values of Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils,as well as excellent traditional craft culture and the concepts of using materials,those were the missing parts of industrial mass production and which appeals to contemporary consumers.In contemporary society,the external factors provide favorable conditions for the innovation and development of Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils,such as government supporting and paying great attention to handicrafts,the concepts of sustainable development and green design are strongly advocated,consumer's spiritual and cultural appeals and technological development.As a kind of artificial affairs,Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils were evolving under the limitation and restriction of “Affairs”.“Affairs” is the sum of external factors that shapes,limits and restricts the “Object”.“Affairology Theory” is the law that constitutes the relationship between the elements of “Affairs”.This dissertation based on Affairology Theory to research evolutionary motivations and the law of Xiaoyu BambooUtensils,researching and analyzing the characteristics of internal factors which were shaping,limiting and restricting by external factors,systematically revealing the evolutionary motivations and the law between internal and external factors,as well as the relationship between internal and external factors.Then explored the contemporary applicability of Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils.Proposed from four aspects to research and explore the adaptive development of Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils,which are “Renli”-the change of design concepts,“Wuli”-the combinations of tools and modern technologies,and redesign with core crafts elements,“Xingli”-combining ergonomics to optimize forms and functions.In the end,combined theory with practice to redesign Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils.The purpose of this dissertation is to provide references for redesigning Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils and promote the re-creation and live transmission of Crafts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xiaoyu Bamboo Utensils, "Affairology Theory", Evolution and law, Adaptability, Redesign
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