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Research On The Red Line System Of Ecological Protection In China

Posted on:2020-01-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q XieFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2015,the new environmental protection law clearly stipulated and strictly observed the red line of ecological protection,which was elevated from the national strategic decision to the level of ecological environmental protection laws,reflecting China's determination to strictly protect environmental safety.After the enactment of the new environmental protection law,the central and local governments gradually began to formulate laws,regulations and normative documents on the demarcation and management of red lines for ecological protection.Although China's central legislation puts forward the concept of "ecological protection red line",the legal provisions are too abstract and and do not stipulate the consequences of violating or damaging the ecological protection red line,thus lacking operability.In terms of ecological protection red line management,it embodies the feature of "place first".Local governments have achieved good results in the management of the red line of ecological protection,but there are still insufficient provisions on legal liability.Although the central government has issued the interim measures for the management of red lines for ecological protection(draft),there is a lack of detailed provisions on the division,adjustment and control of red lines.Therefore,the demarcation and management system of the red line of ecological protection should be clearly defined in the legislation,including the supervision subject of the red line of ecological protection,the causes and procedures of adjustment,and the legal responsibility of crossing the line.At the same time,the red line of ecological protection also needs reasonable and perfect supporting systems,such as ecological compensation mechanism,cadre accountability mechanism,public participation mechanism and so on.By improving the legal system of the red line of ecological protection,we can better promote the protection of ecological security in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ecological Protection Red-line, Current situation of legisiations, research of problems, Suggestions
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