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Study On Teaching Status And Implementation Of Life-oriented Teaching Of Food Biochemistry Course

Posted on:2019-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L D YangFull Text:PDF
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At present,In the national education system,secondary vocational schools shoulder the mission of cultivating high-quality workers for the society to adapt to economic development and industrial structure transformation.However,in the actual teaching process,the subject-centered teaching mode of secondary vocational schools is prevailing,and the school tenet of secondary vocational schools education cannot be implemented.This phenomenon is particularly prominent in the course of food biochemistry teaching.Therefore,it is necessary to reform the life-oriented teaching of food biochemistry in secondary vocational schools.In addition,the life teaching mode of food biochemistry in secondary vocational school is not mature,so this project will carry out practical research on the life teaching and significance of food biochemistry in secondary vocational school.This topic,through the method of issuing questionnaires to teachers and students,get to know the factors affecting the life of food biochemistry teaching in secondary vocational schools,the living conditions of teaching,the civilization of teaching content,and the civilization of teaching methods.Students' understanding of the implementation of life-oriented teaching,as well as students' existing life knowledge related to food biochemistry,lays the foundation for the study of this topic.Through investigations,it is found that(1)the teaching of biochemistry in secondary vocational schools still adopts the traditional teaching mode,which is contrary to the willingness of students to complete relevant learning content through their own practice exploration or cooperative learning;(2)Most teachers pay insufficient attention to the life-related content of the textbooks;when the teacher chooses the content of the textbooks,the criteria for judging are mostly whether the content is the test site;(3)the teacher and the students have different concerns,and the students are more focused on the knowledge of food biochemistry in experiments and life,while teachers pay more attention to students' mastery of knowledge;(4)teachers are weak in practice,most teachers believe that teaching time is not sufficient,school teaching facilities are limited,and some teachers believe that their own abilities are insufficient,and teachers believe that the practice links are not test sites and are therefore ignored.Based on the content of the questionnaire survey,this paper proposes the implementation strategy of food biochemistry life-oriented teaching.Firstly,in order to create a life-oriented teaching situation,we can start the classroom introduction,combine the food bio-chemical knowledge with the students' life experience to create a living teaching situation and flexibility.Using educational media technology to create an effective way of life-oriented teaching situation;secondly,the teaching content is life-oriented,teachers must be flexible in the knowledge of food biochemistry textbooks and daily life,but also to be fully Understand the students,based on the students' existing life experience,expand the scope of the classroom content;finally,the teaching methods are diversified,through group discussion,fully mobilize the enthusiasm of each student,and use the experiment to make the problem easy to understand,Cultivate students' comprehensive practical ability,double-pronged curriculum and extracurricular activities,work placement and life,expand the scope of the classroom,multi-dimensional teaching channels,and cultivate students' inquiry ability.Through the implementation of the life-oriented teaching strategy,the effectiveness of the teaching experiment has achieved the expected results,the overall performance of the experimental class students,the classroom learning atmosphere,the bilateral activities of teachers and students are more active than the comparison class.Students' confidence in overcoming learning difficulties has increased,and the way of learning has changed unconsciously.The habit of independent thinking and self-fulfilling work has gradually begun to develop.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food biochemistry, Life-oriented teaching, Teaching situation, Living material
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