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Analysis Of The Impact Of Environmental Regulation Strength On The Status Of Global Value Chains

Posted on:2020-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330575996634Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In 2000,the United Nations proposed the Millennium Development Goals and achieved fruitful results in 15 years.The poverty rate in developing countries fell from 47% in 1990 to 14% in 2015.More than 1 billion people in the world have been out of extreme poverty,but in the past 15 years,environmental problems have not been well resolved,but there has been a tendency to deteriorate.According to the Global Environment Outlook released by the United Nations Environment Program in 2019,air pollution caused premature deaths of 9 million people in 2015,accounting for 16% of the global death toll.1.4 million people die from preventable diseases each year because they cannot get clean drinking water.In 2017 alone,humans consumed 90 billion tons of resources,of which more than 50% were treated as waste and waste gas,discarded or discharged,and less than 10% of resources were reinvested in economic activities.Therefore,in 2015,the United Nations put forward the ?Changing Our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?,emphasizing the realization of social,economic and environmental development.On the other hand,as countries become more involved in globalization,trade between countries is not limited to final commodities,but more intermediate goods.The trade cooperation between countries is deepening.The production of products is often not done by one country alone,but by the cooperation of many countries.Therefore,the export volume measured by traditional total trade will not accurately measure the actual economic development of a country.Value-added trade is thus raised.Measuring the status of a country's economic development by measuring the value of domestic production in a country's trade is more reflective of the country's position in trade and global value chains than traditional trade estimates.It helps countries to accurately locate their own economic conditions and formulate appropriate policies to increase trade gains.To this end,this paper verifies the impact of the intensity of environmental regulation on the value added of exports and the status of division of labor in the global value chain from both theoretical and empirical aspects.Firstly,from the theoretical level,it analyzes the impact of environmental regulation trade cost effect,technological innovation effect and industrial upgrading effect on export value added and global value chain division of labor,and finds that environmental regulation intensity,export value added and global value chain division of labor all show three-function form,but the specific trend is different.The impact of the intensity of environmental regulation on the value-added of exports first declines,then rises,and finally declines,while the impact on the division of labor in the global value chain is first to rise,then to fall,and finally to rise.Secondly,this paper empirically analyzes the relationship between the intensity of environmental regulation and the added value of exports by establishing a model,and finds that there is indeed a cubic functional relationship,and it shows a trend of decreasing first,then rising,then falling again.After replacing the indicators of environmental regulation intensity and adopting the instrumental variable method,the results are consistent.Furthermore,this paper divides the sample into developed countries and developing countries,respectively,and finds that the developing countries have a tendency to decline first,then rise,and finally fall again,but the developed countries are not significant.Regressed to the first,second and third industries respectively.The intensity of environmental regulation shows the above trend in the primary industry and the secondary industry,but it is not significant in the tertiary industry.Further research found that there is a "U" relationship between the added value of the tertiary industry's exports and the intensity of environmental regulation.Finally,this paper measures the global value chain division status index of OECD countries,and analyzes the changes in China's global value chain division status index,and finds a ?V? growth.Empirical analysis of the impact of the intensity of environmental regulation on the status of global value chain division of labor,the global value chain division of labor with the increase of the intensity of environmental regulation,showing a trend of rising,then falling,and finally rising again.After using the global value chain division status index and the instrumental variable method measured by different methods,the results are still valid.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental Regulation Strength, Export value added, Status of Global Value Chains, Cubic function
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