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Chad And China's Petroleum Cooperation:Its Foundations,Process And Prospects

Posted on:2019-07-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Djamal AmineFull Text:PDF
GTID:2381330566488443Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chad's economy is heavily dependent on oil resources,and since its becoming an oil-producing nation in 2003,80 per cent of its exports and more than 60 per cent of its fiscal revenue have relied on oil.As the largest consumer of energy in the world,China urgently needs to solve the energy problem and seek diversification of its energy supply.China and Many countries in Africa have oil cooperation and the cooperation between China and Chad has become more and more important due to the high rate of oil and gas exploration in Chad and the high export rate.In order to better understand and promote the oil cooperation between the two countries,this paper studies the basis,process and prospect of this cooperation?This article firstly describes and discusses the outline of the oil cooperation in Chad Sinopec from four aspects: the foundation of mutual needs,the process of steady progress and the deepening of the characteristics of mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation,then,summarizes the outline of the cooperation between China and Chad in the aspects of politics,economy and society,In the end,taking the better prospect of seeking Sino-Petronas cooperation as the starting point,this paper puts forward the concrete measures to strengthen the Sino-Chadian oil cooperation in view of the existing problems and their causes?The scope scale of Sino-Chadian Cooperation have become larger,and the exchanges the two countries have become more frequent and closers ? China has incresead investment in Chad petroleum and other strategic sectors,providing Chad with a new sources of financing.At the same time,it has also become one of China's important oil supplies in Africa ?This interdependence is a solid cooperation.The Sino-Chad petroleum cooperation has mutually beneficial and win-win nature?Despite all the the difficulties,it has maintened the momentum of continuous development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chad, China, Petroleum Cooperation, Chad and China relationship
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