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Research On The Issue Of ConstrUctiNg National Key Ecological Functional Areas

Posted on:2019-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ChuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2371330572456864Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the rapid development of the economy,environmental problems have became an obstacle to people's growing pursuit of a better life.The eighteen major report of the party put forward the construction of ecological civilization for the first time,and put it on the same level as economic construction,political construction,cultural construction and social construction,and put it into the national strategy,this embodies the high importance of the Central Committee on environmental problems,and is a new deployment of the implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development in China.In December 21,2010,the State Council issued the national main function area planning for the first time.This is the strategic,basic and restrictive planning of China's land space development.In September 29,2016,the State Council issued the approval of the newly added parts of the counties(cities,districts and flags)to be included in the key ecological functional areas of the country.In this regard,the complete list of key ecological functional areas of the state has been released,and the number of counties in the national key ecological functional areas is 676,accounting for 53% of the total land area.National key ecological functional areas are important ecological functions,such as water conservation,soil and water conservation,wind prevention and sand fixation,and biodiversity conservation,which are related to the ecological security of the national or large area,they are necessary to restrict the development of large scale and high intensity industrialization in the development of land space in order to maintain and improve the ecological products.The national key ecological function area,as one of the main functional areas proposed by the state,is one of the top stratagem,whose foothold lies in the "ecological",this is the essential feature different from other main functional areas.The national key ecological function area will effectively improve the ecological security,the overall security level and the supply capacity of ecological products of the region.For a long time,T district is famous for its tourism economy,but it also brings serious ecological problems.The first is the super intensive use of the ecological environment,the number of tourists in T district is as high as millions of people every year,the situation of overcrowding exceeds the ecological environment capacity of the T area and threatens the ecological balance.Two,the commercial operation destroys the ecological environment,the excessive construction of the service industries,such as hotels,restaurants and entertainment cities,destroys the integrity of the natural landscape and increases the disturbance degree of the ecosystem.A series of problems lead to the serious consequences of the fragile ecological environment and the threat of biodiversity in the T area,so it is urgent to establish and improve the ecological environment protection system.The T area is listed as the national key ecological function area,which has become a major strategic opportunity for deepening the structural reform of the supply side,guiding the development of the industry,forcing the industrial transformation and upgrading,strengthening the function of ecological service and realizing the sustainable development.On the basis of clarifying the background and significance of the topic,this paper combs out the prominent focus and effective practice of the construction of ecological functional areas at home and abroad,and explains the research methods,contents and innovations,based on the related concepts and theories of the study of ecological functional areas,this paper introduces the advantages and problemsfaced in the construction of a new national key ecological functional area in the T District,and the factors that restrict the construction of the key ecological functional areas in the T region are also pointed out,according to the problems and deficiencies,and combining the advantages of the T region,the article puts forward the countermeasures for the innovative construction of the national key ecological function area,including delimiting the ecological red line to control the development intensity strictly,forming the ecological security system of water conservation,compiling the negative list of the industrial access of the national key ecological function area,building a green industrial system dominated by modern service industry,attaching great importance to the use of transfer payment funds,broadening financing channels,strengthening data monitoring,enterprise supervision and cadre assessment.Finally,the research capacity is summary and prospect.
Keywords/Search Tags:National key ecological functional area, The T area, Ecology, Policy
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