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Research On The Incentive Of Professional And Technical Personnel In The Meteorological Department Of Guilin

Posted on:2020-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F SuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2370330596474548Subject:Public administration
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Since the 18 th and 19 th national congresses of the communist party of China,the fight against corruption in China has been tough.And since October 2014,the state has standardized and unified the subsidy programs and standards of government organs and institutions,and severely cracked down on the illegal distribution of subsidies without authorization.Employees also have to pay pension insurance and occupational annuity.As the professional and technical personnel of the meteorological department did not implement the performance-related salary policy before,this policy was only implemented after it was introduced.Some original policies such as welfare,bonus and reward were suspended,and people's income was indeed affected to varying degrees.Many people became dissatisfied and their work enthusiasm began to be seriously reduced.Although the subsequent two capital allocation policies have eased people's mood,they are still not dynamic enough.What form apparent contrast with this is,the material culture demand that the worker grows day by day,the environment with rapid change,and the economy that Guilin city and Guilin city meteorological branch still lag behind relatively develops a condition,cause professional and technical personnel to the enthusiasm of meteorological job and the energy that invest further reduce.Therefore,in such a background,the author believes that it is very necessary to conduct a special study on the incentive of professional and technical personnel in the meteorological department of Guilin.This article mainly uses the literature research method and the empirical research method,first introduced the motivation definition and the function,the research motivation theory foundation,as well as the influence motivation main factor.The theoretical basis is the famous incentive theory,namely "hierarchy of needs theory","equity theory","expectation theory".According to the author,the main factors influencing motivation are salary and welfare,career development,education and training,policy environment,colleague relationship and personal preference.Secondly,the author made a special introduction to the general situation of the unitinformation and personnel information of the meteorological department of Guilin city and the whole meteorological system,summarized the existing incentive situation,and designed a questionnaire in order to truly understand the incentive situation of the meteorological department of Guilin city.The author carried out an anonymous survey within the scope of all professional and technical personnel of the meteorological department of Guilin city in a one-to-one way.The main purpose was to input the questions into the professional website and generate a link to a qr code.After the investigation personnel agreed to participate in the survey,the author sent a qr code,and the respondents completed the survey by themselves.In the end,127 valid questionnaires were collected,accounting for 64.1% of the 198 respondents.Although there are some errors in the survey,the results are still representative to some extent.Then,the author according to field investigation and data analysis,summed up the results reflect the five kinds of phenomena,and behind these phenomena,analyzes the five incentive problems and causes,respectively is "failed to meet the salary welfare and health factors,exist unfair phenomenon","professional development attraction is not enough,the lack of a scientific talent training incentive mode","education training incentive is not strong,and the individual demand does not match","organization management idea behind,policy environment incentive direction and personal preferences dislocation","leadership incentive theory and the lack of incentives,colleague relationship".Finally,aiming at the incentive problems and causes after the phenomenon,the author puts forward some Suggestions to improve the incentive status of guilin meteorological department from five directions.First,we need to do a good job in providing compensation and benefits to reduce the sense of injustice.Specifically,it includes doing a good job in the payment of salary and benefits,and improving the work motivation;Doing a good job in the interpretation of compensation and welfare policies to restore the sense of justice;Optimize the document delivery process and enhance the sense of acquisition.The second is to enhance the attractiveness of career development,scientific training and incentive personnel,including more listen to the ideas and opinions of professional and technical personnel,make up for the lack of understanding,and do a good strategic planning,explore suitable for the unit's talent development incentive model.Third,education and training should be strengthened to unify organizational goals and individual needs,including three aspects: enhance communication and understanding,and increase the free arrangement of professional and technical personnel;Reduce the number of training sessions and improve the training quality and effect according to the department's characteristics;Improve the level of modern management and training,strengthen the effect of incentives.The fourth is to update the management concept,people-oriented,including constantly updating the management concept,and pay attention toindividual needs,people-oriented.Fifth,we need to improve our leadership style by innovating incentives according to demand,including improving our leadership style and enhancing communication between superiors and subordinates.Attach importance to the combination of external motivation and self-motivation;Attach importance to the combination of material incentive and spiritual incentive;Attach importance to the combination of positive and negative incentives.In this process,the author interviewed individual enterprise employees to refer to the better practices of some enterprises,and gave some practical or innovative Suggestions in the specific discussion of the five major directionsProfessional and technical personnel are the main group of the meteorological department of Guilin city,and also the group providing basic services for the meteorological cause.Only by solving the incentive problem of such personnel,can the incentive problem of the whole meteorological department be improved,and can better services be provided to the outside world.After the implementation of the Suggestions in this paper,professional and technical personnel will obviously increase their job satisfaction,work enthusiasm and work efficiency,so as to bring more and greater results to the organization.This paper also enriched and supplemented the research on the incentive of professional technicians in meteorological departments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Incentive, factors influencing motivation, Professional Technical Personnel, Guilin City Meteorological Department
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